Example sentences of "[adv] realise [that] " in BNC.

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1 The tenants , on the other hand , had long since realised that if they could n't boil a kettle or breathe and do all the things normal families do without causing condensation dampness , then there must be something wrong with the houses , not with the people who live in them .
2 Ven exclaimed , ‘ I 've since realised that it was the beginning of the end for me ! ’
3 But in the outside world , most realised that Beirut was doomed as Begin said he had no intention of capturing it .
4 The Commission slowly realised that there was a second loophole in their work : on paper the scheme looked simple enough , but in fact the Prussian government had mistaken its own hostility towards the Poles for that of the general populace — with unexpected results .
5 The 35-year-old , who has collected 13 major trophies with the Anfield club , said : ‘ I have slowly realised that I am not in Liverpool 's plans for the future . ’
6 As she lay blinking blindly into the unfamiliar darkness , her ears filled with a strange background hum , her tired and sleepy brain slowly realised that the sound which had awoken her had been her own desperate sobbing .
7 It is not widely realised that Germans of all political complexions have identified the fate of their country with that of Europe .
8 It is now widely realised that a comprehensive education for a mentally handicapped child should continue over a longer time than the normal educational period of 5–16 years .
9 It does not seem to be widely realised that words have shape and colour and rhythm as well as meaning .
10 And besides , although the owner of the Rose Bowl presumably realised that she was receiving almost as many flowers as she sold , Folly was fairly sure that Lisa knew nothing of her relationship with Luke Hunter .
11 Many people make the mistake of basing their calculations on their current commitments and expenditure , without properly realising that some of their requirements will change .
12 Macmillan eventually realised that only Australia and New Zealand would resist the pressure and advised South Africa not to press for readmission as a republic .
13 Officials gloomily realised that the inadequate billeting arrangements devised by Whitehall had discredited the scheme , and a propaganda campaign would make little difference .
14 There was a hint of panic in the air yesterday , as though the markets suddenly realised that the grapeshot fired by the authorities last week might be heading in their direction .
15 Something had changed , because I had suddenly realised that what I was trying to do was impossible .
16 Catriona wiped down the last of her tables and suddenly realised that the conversation around her had stopped .
17 Another friend of mine , a man who spent most of his adult life looking after his elderly parents until they both died within a year of each other , came home from work one evening and suddenly realised that he could go to the cinema and have a meal out without worrying about anyone else .
18 She was smiling , and Paul suddenly realised that he could not take money from her .
19 But , as she opened her mouth to accept , Folly suddenly realised that she was close to the limit of her endurance .
20 The friar suddenly realised that Cranston 's claim that Allingham was murdered was really a piece of pure guesswork on his part .
21 He had suddenly realised that he had n't had any lunch .
22 For he had suddenly realised that she was at the end of her tether — for what reason he did not know , and neither did he care , only that he must go warily with her , lest he damage her beyond repair .
23 Her performance brought the house down and as they stood to go back and see her Maggie suddenly realised that Mitch was no longer there .
24 Was it that he suddenly realised that his convictions of the past 30 years were false , or did he simply realise that the electorate could not stomach them ?
25 As though he had suddenly realised that Curtis was bluffing him , frightening him into pleading for mercy in a pathetic attempt to humiliate him — or perhaps to force from him a confession of what the lieutenant claimed were his crimes against the whores he had exterminated .
26 At that stage the airman suddenly realised that he had left the carving and " Jane 's " pants in the caravan .
27 But then , as they sat opposite each other in a crowded Darlington bar , Sue suddenly realised that she was about to lose the man she loved .
28 If Guillory hollered his blues , Renbourn confided his , looking as solidly English as roast beef and sounding wistful and worldly-wise , his playing strolling along affably until one suddenly realised that — as in an old Booker T number — things were really starting to shift with indecent ease .
29 Nutmeg suddenly realised that he was looking at himself !
30 He claimed to have been at the Munich Olympics in 1972 while serving with the US Army , and seemed particularly proud of a photograph of himself in officer 's uniform ( without apparently realising that the insignia were incorrect ) .
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