Example sentences of "[adv] quickly [conj] " in BNC.

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1 One event which has lived in my memory , and which I would not have liked to repeat , was of cycling home one evening ( I lived near Altrincham ) — and I was in the middle of Barton Bridge when I heard a German bomber overhead — I have never pedalled so quickly since , realising that I was in the middle of a prime target .
2 She said : ‘ Things have progressed so quickly since the initial idea last year that we are now seeking bookings a good bit earlier than expected . ’
3 If a trailer begins to ‘ snake ’ , the swinging often develops so quickly that within seconds there is no way of stopping it and avoiding going right off the road .
4 You must never diet so quickly that you lose the muscle tissue that gives your body its shape , firmness , and definition .
5 The day flew by so quickly that I hardly noticed evening stealing in on crimson wings .
6 The next few gybes were the first I had ever done with speed all the way through the turn , in fact , it happened so quickly that I could n't change the rig fast enough — so then I had to work on the rig change .
7 This apparently arose because of the dryness of the site chosen ; an equivalent set left on the ground in much damper conditions disintegrated so quickly that no trace of them or their contents remained after 10 months .
8 They are found more frequently in recent archaeological assemblages , for instance from Neolithic deposits in Orkney ( Armour-Chelu , 1988 ) and Bronze age deposits in the Somerset Levels ( Girling , 1977 ) , but usually the pellets break down so quickly that they are not preserved .
9 The poison works so quickly that the victim rapidly succumbs and the snake is then safe to make its move .
10 Had it been deliberate Edouard hesitated , unsure ; it had happened so quickly that it was difficult to know .
11 Everything happened so quickly that I have no very clear recollection of what actually took place .
12 Their numbers were growing so quickly that the club was formed .
13 So quickly that the commonalty experienced difficulty in keeping up with them and the nobility wondered where disaster would strike next in the realm .
14 Yet during family sessions , feelings can rise so quickly that very damaging statements can be made , which may be frank and honest but have a destructive meaning or impact that would not be intended in calmer and more reasonable moments .
15 It had all happened so quickly that he could still not believe it .
16 South Africa press up so quickly that you must kick the ball more often to turn them .
17 and in rugby so much can happen so quickly that I believe we have earned that 50–50 chance . ’
18 This was written so quickly that several errors occurred , one being the omission of the name of the person who had done much of the work since September : Marvin Hawkins , the graduate student .
19 This suspension can absorb a bump so quickly that the driver hardly senses it , yet it still keeps him in perfect control of the car .
20 My sister-in-law answered , so quickly that she must have been right beside the telephone .
21 This ambiguity does not greatly alter our conclusions regarding airburst altitude : once an object has spread to , say , twice its initial radius , its further spreading happens so quickly that an ‘ explosion altitude ’ is defined to within a few kilometres , regardless of whether the explosion is taken to occur then or when the object has spread to 5–10 times its initial radius .
22 They could not afford another campaign : they had run through the treasure inherited from Edward II so quickly that they could not even pay their Hainault mercenaries , and they had to borrow both from the Florentine banking house of Bardi and from English merchants .
23 This bodily preparation needs to occur so quickly that there is no time for conscious thought , the caveman does not have time to talk himself into this state of readiness .
24 The usurpation of 1483 happened so quickly that many of the duchy servants were presented with a fait accompli , whereupon as usual they backed the crown ( which now happened to be worn by their erstwhile chief steward ) .
25 Many of the animals swim so quickly that they do not stay in sight for long .
26 That 's something which has developed so quickly that it 's almost ahead of us ( as it were ) in terms of planning .
27 The good readers , in contrast , seem to recognise words so quickly that the beneficial ( or harmful ) effects of context do not have time to take effect .
28 There is no sign that the revolution will stop : indeed , types of equipment become obsolescent so quickly that even the most fanatical audio-visual specialist must sometimes feel uncomfortable .
29 Around them grew up short streets of cottages for the workpeople , run up so quickly that they look as though they were planted flat on the surface , without any foundations ; but still there was no congestion .
30 Divided plants will take hold of the soil and grow new roots more quickly if they are replanted so quickly that the plant hardly knows it has been out of the ground .
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