Example sentences of "[adv] lie in " in BNC.

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1 Her best hope of surviving it successfully lies in your maturity and willingness to act as a temporary crutch for her and as a quiet stabilising influence until she learns how to walk alone and unaided .
2 Therefore the strength of the partnership as a form presumably lies in the large amount of shared knowledge about the business arising from the nature of the people employed in it , that is , in the special nature of its shareholders .
3 The explanation for the futures price jumping suddenly lies in what is happening in the market for the underlying good , i.e. in the spot or cash market .
4 The key function none the less lies in the drawing up of the legislation ; deciding what should go into a bill and what should be omitted , and how the proposals should be drafted .
5 The linguistic roots of the British Caribbean community obviously lie in the Caribbean .
6 Incredibly the Appeal Court ruled that Mathews was not necessarily lying in saying that Murphy was the driver of the getaway van but could have been mistaken ; and this third appeal was dismissed .
7 The 44-year old was found at 8am lying in Birkhall Parade , in Aberdeen 's Mastrick housing estate .
8 Its appeal for Friends perhaps lay in its resolution of the tension within the Quaker outlook between a perfectionist separation from worldly activities and the moral relativism involved in the direct exercise of power .
9 It was by no means a simple set of feelings : many longed for the straightforward solutions that apparently lay in the golden-age reign of the Emperor Charlemagne when unity , conquest and expansion to the east had surely indicated racial superiority .
10 The two objectives do not necessarily lie in the same direction .
11 Toby gestured for another glass of Bollinger and continued : ‘ No , the clues may perhaps lie in that contract between Supersight and Brian Harley .
12 The value of such systems would perhaps lie in their immediacy , for instance in assessing reaction to a television advertising campaign whilst it was actually being carried out .
13 Two is enough really but just to be on the safe side use three and if they do n't all lie in the same straight line then one of them 's wrong .
14 Enough remained to show that the northern one was at least g by 7. 5 m ( 292 by 242 ft ) , with two rooms of unequal size at the back , while its southern counterpart , of which only the rear 2.5m ( 8 ft ) was recovered , had apparently lain in a walled compound measuring 13 by 6 m ( 42½ by 19½ ft ) .
15 Its centre normally lies in the conflict between father and son ( of which Leonard never speaks ) and the ensuing guilt ( which , likewise , has no explicit reference ) , though the anger may have eclipsed that .
16 The answer largely lies in the music chosen , because music is usually , if not always , the source of the inspiration .
17 Efficient recovery from complex equipment failure largely lies in the hand osf the servicing personnel available .
18 A major focus of industrial policy within the EC and elsewhere lies in attempts to influence the evolution of high technology industries .
19 For weeks it would go on like this and then suddenly one day you would notice him just lying in the sun instead of studying his map , or reading a novel instead of his German grammar .
20 Just lying in the open . ’
21 It is best treated with relaxation therapy and with just lying in bed , resting , even if sleep does not come .
22 But it 's just lying in the bank dormant and it 's not making any interest I know it 's not being , I know we 're not being charged but
23 Stark was no longer lying in the mud .
24 The rapist was already lying in wait for the twenty eight year old woman when she arrived home last night .
25 Meanwhile I 'm perfectly content just to lie in the sun by the peaceful ornamental pond .
26 just to lie in bed Wishing it would stop
27 But it was good just to lie in the darkness , curled against him , listening to his even breathing , and know this was just the first night of the rest of their lives .
28 For many that was Buncrana or Fahan in County Donegal where they surfed , skiied , took boat trips or just lay in the sun .
29 You need not hurry them away to lie in your sewing-basket or run upstairs to fold them under your handkerchiefs .
30 No , because I thought wicked you know , I 've for Monday I get to bloody fucking lie in bed and then like I have to go to flipping school and bloody give it back .
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