Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] least " in BNC.

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1 I feel a little bit better at least .
2 ‘ Not much at least , ’ said another .
3 This much at least remains unchanged , he thought ; each hill , each tree , each house familiar to him from youth .
4 These results suggested that in ulcerative colitis , the aberrant mucosal production of IgG1 and IgG2 does not depend on active disease , but is apparently at least partially explained by a genetic impact .
5 If this be true , it is argued , then governments have compromised their own moral position and therefore are morally at least in no better position than protesters who contravene laws .
6 Britain is bound , morally at least , to incorporate its decisions into UK law .
7 More than half the arable land in the United States receives annually at least 700 mm of precipitation ; only 1 per cent of the arable land in the Soviet Union receives as much moisture .
8 Which is perhaps at least partly why that patient , anonymous woman waited at the gate to wave goodbye to Edith Cresson and why she will probably never read Claire Gallois 's book .
9 Two months later he was appointed to the recently built Selimiye ( Selim II ) medrese in Edirne , the newest and perhaps at least temporarily the most important of the imperial medreses , from which he nevertheless resigned after only two months , unwilling to accept , in Ata'i 's words , by which he means , presumably , the transfer to Edirne .
10 Perhaps at least it 'd be warm …
11 Put lots on and reapply at least every two hours , as sweat , water , wind and towel friction will wear it away .
12 The Council denies their rent 's too high and even though the new owners have made the hut a cabbies ' shelter in name only at least Oxford 's most unusual historic building is once again back in use .
13 Miami 's new-born Murk label that has been causing something of a stir on these shores of late , enough at least for Network to wet their oars and row straight for a licensing deal that sees three of the label 's best tracks to date brought together for a sampler EP .
14 Secondly , they were talking about types of lender that they knew well enough at least to find approachable .
15 In the warehouses there were still some bales of fine leather and if sold to an honest dealer , they would bring in enough at least to pay off some of her father 's debts .
16 Enough light would spill inwards from the porch as the door closed slowly on its damper , enough at least for him to get to his own door and line up the key ; but when it came to it he hurried too much and was trying to shake out the Yale when the front door put him in darkness .
17 so we 'll get down this afternoon then , alright , fair enough at least we know what we 're doing now Your bedroom 's a tip .
18 If a Muslim , she usually marries a cousin who lives in the same village so at least the surroundings are familiar to her ; but among Hindus and Sikhs the husband 's family nearly always live in a different village ( because a woman must marry outside her kin ) .
19 Botham 's 57 was top score , so at least his captaincy got off to a bright start .
20 Seagal used to be a martial arts expert , so at least the stunts are worth watching , even if the principals are n't ( Seagal looks like Chuck Norris on Mogadon and LeBrock really should n't be wearing such a tight skirt ) .
21 So at least ran the theory , and , for a time , it did operate that way , very much along the lines of the Athenian polis in its democratic phase .
22 If you need to apply for a passport , do so at least 12 weeks before departure .
23 ‘ Mrs Lawler did mention that it was , so at least they 've got some safeguards , ’ Susan replied .
24 My weight had gone up to eight stone so at least I was looking relatively human .
25 Set backs to chemistry in schools and in the public 's esteem have become regular news — so at least reward my carpentry by reading on !
26 He had taken some comfort from the fact that he had been the last man to board the cage , so at least he could watch Yorky and the others exit , before his turn came .
27 You have to speak to the cabinet makers and so on , so at least I do n't have to get up there and saw the wood !
28 So at least eight people with Down 's syndrome were disenfranchised at an early stage by their parents or their electoral registration authority .
29 Fortunately Pat had lent me a few things so at least I was clean .
30 Special paints do n't have a large range of colours to choose from , so at least that choice is simplified .
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