Example sentences of "[pers pn] appeal [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In a sense you can see they have tried to introduce stories which would normally be ‘ boy 's ’ stories , and have adapted them to appeal to girls .
2 Newspapers and television stations had no standing to apply to the trial judge to lift the order , and there was no avenue open for them to appeal to any other court .
3 If you see fit , Father Abbot , let one of them appeal for a judgement .
4 Could I appeal to running shoe manufacturers to open their eyes and realise that they are missing out on a valuable section of the market ?
5 May I appeal to anybody who might have information , or might know of where I can find information , on Alton in this period .
6 Can I appeal to :
7 How do I appeal to their intellect ( language , facts and figures , concepts ) , and what emotions am I stimulating ?
8 As one who joined the Leader of the Opposition in voting against the Single European Act , before the right hon. Gentleman became a Euro-fanatic , may I appeal to my right hon. Friend to warn the voters about the huge dangers to the much-improved labour relations of Britain if they were to vote into power any Government who were prepared to pass over the power to wreck our trade union reforms by majority vote in Brussels ?
9 May I appeal to your readers to send a Valentine 's Day message to the Members of Parliament and urge them to ‘ Have a Heart for Wildlife ’ , to attend the debate and vote for the Bill .
10 May I appeal for more sixth-form entries for the 14th International Physics Olympiad ?
11 God seemed remote but I appealed for his protection and received a measure of assurance , though I felt that I was followed by an evil presence .
12 It is seven years since , at Zurich , I appealed to France to take Germany by the hand and lead her back into the European family . ’
13 And so , when Byzantian emperor Alexius I appealed to Pope Urban II for help against the Seljuk Turks in Asia Minor , Urban saw the chance to vindicate the Western Church and show himself magnanimous to his Orthodox brothers .
14 Sir : I appeal to mothers around the world of all religions and cultures to teach and nurture their children to respect life and not to destroy it wantonly .
15 I appeal to Mr Jakes to sign this petition . ’
16 I appeal to you as an honorary Roman to nip over here in your Popemobile and put a stop to this wanton destruction .
17 As one who was in the vanguard of the battle to halt and then reverse the ratchet of socialism , I appeal to all who really care for their country and their children 's future : do not give history an opportunity to repeat itself .
18 I appeal to the same verbal trick as I used in Chapter 3 .
19 The repeated frustration of his attempts to introduce changes led to an impassioned plea in the Sunday Express for more freedom of action at club level : ‘ I appeal to the authorities to release the brake which they seem to delight in jamming on new ideas … as if wisdom is only to be found in the council chamber …
20 Someone out there must know something and I appeal to them to come forward . ’
21 I appeal to farmers and cultivators to plant every possible acre during the coming planting season .
22 I appeal to the people of Burma to economise as far as possible in the consumption of rice and foodstuffs ; so that we may have some surplus to send to a hungry world .
23 I appeal to all who have ever known this best of all hospitals — fight for Bart 's .
24 I appeal to employers to look on ex-service people and see the loyal , hard-working men and women that they are . ’
25 Sukarno proclaimed a state of emergency and called on the people to choose between himself and Musso : ‘ My beloved people , in the name of the struggle for Indonesian independence I appeal to you . ’
26 I appeal to medical colleagues who are concerned about the persecution of this brave woman to write to General Than Shwe ( salutation : Dear General ) , Chairman , State Law and Order Restoration Council , c/o Ministry of Defence , Signal Pagoda Road , Yangon , Union of Myanmar .
27 All the words were in place — ‘ I would not wish this on my worst enemy ’ ; ‘ Sam 's safety is my only concern ’ ; ‘ I appeal to the public to help in any way they can ’ ; ‘ I beg those who are holding her to let her go ’ — but the heart seemed strangely absent .
28 I appeal to the Secretary of State not to deny the people of Ireland the basic and fundamental right of full democracy .
29 I appeal to the Secretary of State , his Ministers and the House not to inflict chaos yet again on local government .
30 In the light of the by-election result in Scotland and the fact that we have an opportunity only once a month to put our constituency interests , I appeal to you not to hear frivolous comments from Conservative Members but only real issues that concern Scottish Members of Parliament .
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