Example sentences of "[pers pn] expect and " in BNC.

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1 He was rather braver than I expected and jumped the fences very well .
2 It is less imposing and less impressive than I expected and is bordered by similarly styled ‘ cabins ’ .
3 The march was longer than I expected and we staggered in at half past six this morning , having done twenty-seven miles in just over nine hours , which is n't bad .
4 I would n't say I enjoyed it , but it went much better than I expected and my audience were very appreciative .
5 ‘ The area is far more rugged and wild than I expected and some of the ridge walking has been spectacular ’ Paul told us from Italy .
6 I rushed with him into the buildings and found what I expected and dreaded ; a small calf kicking at its stomach , getting up and down , occasionally rolling on its straw bed .
7 last night actually and it did n't exactly help , well , it 's a long trip up here , longer than I expected and I did n't
8 It 's not what I expect and not what I want .
9 That will be as much as fun as er Sunday school I expect and probably just as well attended .
10 He was taller than she expected and wore a wall-cut dinner jacket that contrasted with the eccentric fancy-dress of some of the other diners .
11 She expected and gave no kindness , no tenderness at all .
12 ‘ I worked very closely with the clients who see two sets of proofs , ’ says Cleary , 28 , a history graduate who started out in the antiques world but did n't find the challenge she expected and joined Barkers Trident as an editorial assistant .
13 Allow enough space to manoeuvre around the offer ; ask for more than you expect and concede less than you would ultimately be willing to give .
14 Some of them are below the level you expect and below the standards we want to provide , ’ it says .
15 This she expects and indeed wants .
16 ‘ What she expects and what she gets could be two different things that are miles apart . ’
17 In the end the show went on far longer than we expected and was fairly raunchy .
18 Most of the ducks were at Grif Skerry as we expected and , after counts and recounts , we moved on .
19 When we are hurt by someone 's behaviour , all that is happening is that we are disappointed because they do not behave in the way we expect and the reality conflicts with our ideals .
20 The money he gave them they had meant to use for the Greek trip but it was more than they expected and they had gone on a shopping , then a drinking , spree with it .
21 They expect and they grow .
22 Either way , they have to face the possibility of discovering discrepancies between what they expect and what they experience , and in that lies the potential for development .
23 Only by enabling those with disabilities to contribute , if they wish , through independent living and paid employment , will the increased percentage of ageing people be able to receive the support they expect and need .
24 Actually , I think he 's found it harder than he expected and he needs help . ’
25 Although devoted to his family and always kind to them , he expected and strongly pressed his only son to follow the legal and political career in which he had been such a brilliant success .
26 It was heavier than he expected and he had to remove the milk bottles and some of the tins and make a separate journey with them .
27 The second point is on correspondence , I 'm absolutely certain that when a member of public writes in to any department , not necessarily highway , he expects and needs an immediate response , now I know you have , you have started the acknowledgement of our system , but I think it 's , it does n't go far enough , an acknowledgement card that simply says the thing is received and is receiving attention , needs to then indicate the individual to whom that matter has been passed for attention and that leads me to the third point and I think the general complaint on the public is that local government is seen as faceless people and I think we have to get in our mind to name people within our department , there 's not one mention about it in our promise , I think we need , unless I 've not read it , but I think , I think we , yes , but I think we need to mention people by name , senior people within the department who will respond to particular things and certainly where public comes into contact within the offices we must get around to wearing a name badge who says who that person is , people want to relate to a person and I think we can do that if we try .
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