Example sentences of "[pers pn] decided [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I decided that the best thing to do was to go home .
2 The station cafe was still open so I decided that I might as well go in there .
3 I decided that the best thing to do was to leave the porch just in case anyone came along , and to kill the time I needed to kill somewhere else .
4 I decided that they simply would n't have understood why I 'd done this and would now feel too hurt and abused ever to want to see me again .
5 Having spent much of the glorious summer last year sitting in the shade of the apple tree I decided that if such summers were to continue it would be a good idea to build a permanent seat around the tree .
6 I decided that I had to put the headmaster in a position to answer and it was this problem that worried me most — more than the outrageous charges against myself and the effect on my family .
7 I parked the jeep under a tree and then , looking at my watch , I decided that as I had a couple of hours to spare I would take a walk across to the other bridge where I had noticed a café on our first day into Normandy .
8 As I stared at her wondering what had caused the condition , I decided that it must be some kind of vitamin deficiency .
9 It is all up to you — and I decided that I was never going to say anything to her because I had done it all on my own .
10 This was the day when I decided that I 'd had enough .
11 But anyway , we jumped to it and started to jive and I decided that we were quite sympathetic and we got along quite well — a similar sense of humour , and lewd attitude towards women — we just basically got along well .
12 ‘ I 've spent all my life in general PR , but it was about eight years ago I decided that there was room for a specialist agency , not really a PR firm , which was concerned entirely with government relations .
13 Ultimately , I decided that this was not getting us anywhere , but I was her last hope .
14 ‘ In any case , whatever you both felt , I decided that I could not possibly accept these things .
15 After completing a tour of the baroque wonders of Prague , I decided that my detour from the Danube had lasted long enough , and that it was time to head south again .
16 I decided that I liked Krems , and suddenly understood what it was had attracted W. H. Auden to live in rural Austria — its high camp !
17 I decided that we should come here first — to the house that was my parents ’ summer retreat , near that of my aunt , uncle and cousin .
18 As Leslie was the only officer in the missing plane ( ironically the transport aircraft was a Stirling — the same name as his birthplace ) , I decided that I must take the lead among the families .
19 I decided that she either had friends or family nearby or was pacing the streets in desperation !
20 So , when at last I came to a small village with a large church , I decided that perhaps the priest might be the best person to tell me where these prehistoric pagans buried their dead .
21 Eventually I decided that what was needed was a little organisation — a systematic approach to make my busy life a little less fraught .
22 . I decided that I did not want to stay until the moment of his death , I wanted to remember him living … but I decided that I wanted to stay just to ensure that he was in a deep peaceful sleep , that he was n't going to suffer … and that 's what I did .
23 . I decided that I did not want to stay until the moment of his death , I wanted to remember him living … but I decided that I wanted to stay just to ensure that he was in a deep peaceful sleep , that he was n't going to suffer … and that 's what I did .
24 I decided that I would have to get to the Butcher 's office first or at least early on in the queue so that I would be barefoot for as short a time as possible .
25 When I heard about Elsie 's foot I decided that I wanted to write about her to explore how she coped with her disability .
26 I decided that I had not come all this way only to indulge in polite conversation .
27 I decided that if she had run away she must have gone somewhere where it would be very difficult to find her .
28 Near the sea there is a little park which has open-air cafés in it and I decided that I would go along there and read your letter while I relaxed with a cup of coffee .
29 ( And , in case I muddled the halves and thought the lady 's name was Mary Marks , I decided that it would be a very windy day and that , as the skirt of her wedding gown was blown by the gales , I was able to see that she was wearing suspenders . )
30 I decided that Pam was frailer than me and carried the bags myself .
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