Example sentences of "[pers pn] feel his " in BNC.

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1 Donald felt the pressure from her and stared from one to the other , letting them feel his defiance and distaste .
2 I 've just asked Kurt whether the heroin rumours are true — to which he 's laughed , said ‘ No ! ’ and made me feel his arms for any tell-tale scars or holes , though obviously shooting up is n't the only way to take smack and to be honest I 'm not sure I knew what I was meant to be looking for , but still , it 's an impressive gesture at the very least — when Anton walks in with a woman I recognise as Susan Silver , manager of Soundgarden .
3 Stuart never makes me feel his pride is riding on whether we do what I suggest or what he suggests .
4 If she concentrated hard enough , would she feel his presence out there in the world ?
5 He trembled and groaned as her hands moved urgently over his flesh , before drawing her roughly against the pulsating length of him , letting her feel his arousal , his mouth moving blindly over her soft velvety skin , touching and tasting , raising her senses to such a pitch that she cried out , the wild clamouring in her blood , the driving need for his possession more than she could bear .
6 Things like this made him feel his age .
7 The creak of a pump-handle and the answering gush of water made him feel his own thirst and taste his tongue 's rancid dryness .
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