Example sentences of "[pers pn] asked he " in BNC.

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1 One of them asked him a question .
2 They rode in five westbound trains and four eastbound trains , observing how the crowds began to thin , especially in those heading for inner London , encountering no trouble beyond some pushing and shoving by teenage boys and a smoker in the third car who put out his cigarette without protest when one of them asked him .
3 ‘ 'E loves Rachel an' 'e 'd give me the top brick off the chimney if I asked 'im , but 'e 's a worrier .
4 Anyway , I asked 'im what 'e done in the war an' 'e told me it was no concern o' mine .
5 I asked him .
6 He wanted to rush round straight away but I asked him to be patient .
7 Patting his cheeks with his handkerchief all the time ( till I asked him to stop it ) .
8 I asked him .
9 I asked him .
10 I asked him to explain his pricing policy .
11 I asked him : ‘ What 's going on ?
12 Once I asked him when he slept .
13 There was a nice-looking American at the next table , however , so I asked him whether he was a drug-fiend , dealing in human misery , in which case , I said , I 'd like some Ecstasy .
14 As we ate , I asked him about 45 Marine Commando casualties since the landing .
15 I asked him what future he foresaw for our civilization .
16 I asked him to call if he was ever this way .
17 I asked him what it might have been ; after all , if he was an expert on the local birds then he ought to know .
18 I asked him why he had decided to marry me .
19 I asked him why he 'd lost his own teeth and he said the cause had been pyorrhea .
20 Knowing a little of his circumstances by this time — at any rate , I knew what his job was — I asked him if he realised this would involve him in considerable expense .
21 I asked him how he would prefer to be addressed and he said you can call him what you please , as long as it is polite .
22 When I asked him what those eminent shrinks did with themselves in the evenings he explained that they gathered in the hotel bar .
23 I asked him through his interpreter whether he could now make the films he wanted again .
24 We met in the old Majestic Hotel , where I was staying , and I asked him about his former student in Berlin .
25 I asked him for one yesterday and he said he never had one .
26 ‘ Because I asked him about it this morning , when we were both up here , sitting on that bank .
27 I asked him .
28 I asked him , feeling hungry all at once .
29 I asked him , pointing to a grubby bit of brown paper .
30 I asked him .
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