Example sentences of "[pers pn] goes [pron] " in BNC.

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1 So with that if one of them goes you just have to buy that as an element just slot it it comes it 's like a light bulb .
2 I goes what ? , she said how did you loose it in there ? ,
3 I goes what ? , oh do n't worry , I was pretending not to hear what she was saying cos she misses it after a while , thought
4 I goes what ?
5 I goes what the hell 's it look like , I 'm going to sleep !
6 I saw him like on the right , on the path and I goes I goes what you do I goes gon na be sick .
7 So I goes what ?
8 I goes I did n't mean it like that .
9 Every three minutes people were going to ch I goes I do n't believe this , I just do n't fucking believe this .
10 I saw him like on the right , on the path and I goes I goes what you do I goes gon na be sick .
11 I goes I 'm not bothered about the fact she 's getting off with him , I 'm just thinking , you know , it 's not fair on Peter .
12 I goes I went to the end I goes look I 'll tell you all together get it over with I lost my balance and I dropped it .
13 So I goes come here , and I give them to John I goes I 'll take them John and I paid .
14 I got a cat trapped up here , right , it was chasing Jones and I goes I got you now , and he jumped over the wall .
15 From here , listen , I goes I 've got you now .
16 This is me , I goes , I goes I 'll let it slip this time cos you have n't seen me for a few weeks .
17 yeah , he 's gon na be fifteen this year , he 's one year and a half older than me , so , and he goes , I told him okay and he goes you 're young , and I goes I know
18 And I went over , I goes you alright ?
19 And er I goes you know , I was a bit , I was a bit shocked really , cos like
20 I goes you hang it up in your shower , in n it ?
21 That 's what Roy done , you know why , he come into my house and I goes you better not come in my door he 'll attack you .
22 I goes you better get a tetanus cos God knows what Dempsey 's got .
23 talked , I goes it 's not funny I goes goes er he worked in or something , showing off !
24 ‘ Whichever way she goes we can go more quickly because we can stay on the ride and she dare not .
25 She goes we might have won the prize yeah .
26 She goes everybody likes French dressing You should 've watched it , it was really good .
27 found a wallet from a cinema , she goes what you 've found a wallet from a cinema ? and she goes what
28 found a wallet from a cinema , she goes what you 've found a wallet from a cinema ? and she goes what
29 She goes what after all your coughing all the way through the night ?
30 She goes what here ?
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