Example sentences of "[pers pn] into account " in BNC.

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1 I have seen enough already to know that my work on Christabel must be seriously altered in the light of what you have in these letters — I would n't be happy going on without taking them into account — and that must be true of Dr Michell 's work on Ash too , just as true . ’
2 The process of decomposing system models mirrored the requirement to consider first the overall effect of the Act on functional groupings and structures , then to examine responsibilities and tasks in some detail , ie taking a top-down approach that was initially unconstrained by existing factors but progressively took them into account .
3 While it is self-evident that childhood experiences must have a profound formative effect upon the beliefs we have about ourselves and upon our expectations of others , most of us fail to take them into account when we run into trouble later on in life .
4 The different viewpoints , although not of course equally informative , are equal in the sense that whether ‘ Be aware ’ obliges me to take one of them into account depends on its relevance to choices , not on its nearness to ‘ here ’ , ‘ now , or ‘ I ’ .
5 Housing allowances invariably form a separate part of the remuneration policy ( although it is surprising how many employers do not take them into account when determining cost of living allowances ) .
6 For if the relations between the individual and society are as close as he believes , we must take them into account ; instead of grounding explanations upon one part we must theorise about the whole to which all the parts belong .
7 Most journals send the referees ' reports to the authors , and authors try to take them into account , assuming they are true .
8 If either Council receive anything additional , it will be a matter for them to take them into account along with my report .
9 But they are intended to illustrate the very general point that we can not know in advance the belief systems of the communities we are studying ; an important part of good fieldwork practice is to get to know them and take them into account at all stages of the research , up to and beyond the time of publication .
10 As a result of my article on computer tidal prediction in the December issue , several readers have asked what practical advice I can offer about the effects of abnormal meteorological conditions on tide predictions and when to apply correction to take them into account .
11 We will respond constructively ; if we believe that the report 's criticisms are right and constructive , we will take them into account .
12 Members will take them into account when they come to a decision .
13 It seems clear to me that no such thing was happening to me , either at home or at school , the former structure being too self-absorbed to take me into account and the latter too rigid .
14 The adoption should n't affect her , they should n't take her into account , but Kegan thinks they might want her token agreement , so I 've got to handle this right .
15 That point may seem obvious but I do n't think whoever worked out the amounts given in state benefits ever took it into account .
16 When the coup in Yugoslavia in spring 1941 interfered with Hitler 's plans for an attack on the Soviet Union ( Britain 's last potential Continental ally ) and a deterioration in mood set in owing to the threatening extension of the war to the Balkans , SD soundings of opinion again registered ‘ with what childlike trust the most ordinary people in particular look up to the Führer and our leadership of state ’ , convinced that ‘ the Führer has taken it into account and will deal properly with it ’ . ’
17 I always donate to these organisations and have benefited to the extent that organisations like THT , Body Positive and LAGER have made the general public aware of the infection and have made some employers take it into account .
18 In general , whether someone is shifting viewpoints or not , the test of whether he is aware of the look and feel of something , not merely of the facts about it , is whether he takes it into account in choices of ends as well as of means .
19 If there were any conflict , as auditors , Casson Beckman would , of course , take it into account .
20 While it is important not to fixate on animosity it is wise to take it into account .
21 This is no doubt a matter which the magistrate should take into account when considering whether a witness 's evidence is to be rejected as worthless ; and I have no doubt that in the present case the magistrate did take it into account , together with the fact that Price had retracted his earlier evidence implicating the applicant , when deciding whether to make an order for committal .
22 The local authorities cited so far can be described as having assimilated the care programme approach , they take it into account and perceive opportunities to be gained , but they do not appear to have changed themselves in any significant way to accommodate it .
23 Readability Plus does try to take it into account and scores points in that regard .
24 The Law Commission takes the view , provisionally , that the solution to these uncertainties in legislation to direct that , where a court considers that a regulatory rule is ‘ reasonable ’ , it should take it into account in determining ‘ the precise content of common law and equitable obligations ’ in any particular situation .
25 I hear my hon. Friend 's Budget representation and will take it into account .
26 Surely , if someone has been convicted of possessing weapons or explosives , it is vital for the information to be passed on as quickly as possible , so that the officer concerned can take it into account .
27 The Regional Committees will be informed immediately of this selection so that they can take it into account when making their own choices .
28 Erm that in fact er whether it 's been on board accurately by the report er or not is , is a matter for er question , but it was something that they bore in mind when they where reaching their conclusion , so they believe that they have taken it into account .
29 This statement was quoted with apparent approval by Lord Edmund-Davies in Hay v Hughes [ 1975 ] QB 790 and Watkins J took it into account in Regan v Williamson [ 1976 ] 1 WLR 305 .
30 We need to see that they have taken it into account .
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