Example sentences of "[pers pn] that 's " in BNC.

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1 Got a packet for when we get home so I that 's got to make my .
2 Oh it 's just me that 's got to give up lunch is it ?
3 If everything you give them that 's got protein in and it 's going to make their condition worse , what , what have you got to do ?
4 And them that 's been drinking and that and did n't come b back
5 There 's one pair of them that 's got a hole in it though .
6 Its them that 's threatened to stopping them do the overtime with .
7 And that it 's up to them to do the research , to listen to advisers , parents , other students and so on , but at the end of the day it 's them that 's got to go and do the course .
8 Well you know this next door neighbour of theirs that 's been driving cars all over the place ?
9 ‘ In fact I think it–s you that 's got on top of him .
10 Come on Grant , it 's you that 's got ta do it , not mummy or me .
11 It 's you that 's got my other cane .
12 Erm and then if you that 's got to last you all day through
13 They said well your husband 's car 's been vandalised and they think it 's you that 's done it so we 've come to arrest you so she said oh I thought you 've come to tell me it were me daughter that was dead and he said , he said what you talking about ?
14 Is it you that 's got a paper ?
15 Says you that 's been !
16 It 's him that 's signed it .
17 Yeah , if she 's got a young family , I mean , nine times out of ten it 's her that 's got to watch them rather than saying to the husband , oh I 'm off to play football dear !
18 That 's , I think that 's the one that 's sold eighty five eighty five thou that 's gone for , or it 's got a sale agreed on it .
19 ‘ Describe the historic fort , the table with a colonial 's dried blood on it that 's never been cleaned .
20 Well that Actually that 's on my disk cos we did have two the the disk partitioned and it 's my half of it that 's got a meg and a half left .
21 I I just did n't understand it that 's come for the advice for you see .
22 Erm and what is it that 's come into his mind in a great rush in this part of the poem
23 ‘ There 's a strange kind of jealousy about us that 's got around , ’ reckons Rikky .
24 ‘ There 's a strange kind of jealousy about us that 's got around , ’ reckons Rikky .
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