Example sentences of "[pers pn] and john " in BNC.

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1 Early in my CBC days she persuaded me and John Avison to donate silver cups for an annual music competition .
2 ‘ We 're taking him to Disneyland , me and John 's other friends .
3 Mm , me and John had a , er one from the Spinces the other day very nice
4 James did that to me , me and John , I was thinking I went Fred !
5 My sister still lives in Berkhamsted , where she and I had grown up and where she and John had subsequently made their home .
6 Two years ago , she and John Orbell , archivist of Baring Brothers and chairman of the Council 's Liquidations and Rescue Support Group , were tipped off by a friendly Extel employee about the news agency 's imminent takeover by United Newspapers .
7 Harriet Mill died in Avignon as she and John Stuart Mill were en route to Nice , and there she was buried .
8 Both she and John Smith have denied suggestions that they are running mates on a ‘ dream ticket ’ , but she is the deputy he would prefer .
9 She told me that in the first dreadful night , when she and John stayed in the hospital , she had tried to soothe the time by the old paper game of making words out of words .
10 Elizabeth never much believed in the ‘ place ’ , but she and John did some detective work in Wiltshire .
11 But as presenters of The Gladiators , she and John Fashanu are more wooden than The Woodentops .
12 In the evenings she and John had time to be together .
13 One day , God willing , she and John might have a daughter ; one day their daughter would want to get married .
14 For Mrs Whitehouse , the publication of Honest to God , although it was only one — albeit significant — event , was a key moment in the emergence of what both she and John Robinson described as ‘ the new morality ’ .
15 She gazed at it for some moments in silence , thinking about a flat in Manchester where she and John had spent a ghostly week one winter before they were married .
16 For Bob and Tessa 's house Jannie projected all the reconstruction and improvement which she and John had never found either money or energy enough to carry out in their own .
17 She and John went first to see her mother , then to a hotel in Chester overnight , and then to spend a week in North Wales .
18 The war seemed remote as she and John wandered through woods , scuffling their feet through crisp fallen leaves , or lay in the deep feather bed in the farmhouse bedroom .
19 She felt that she was longing more than ever for it to end so that she and John could spend all their time together .
20 Sarah and Terry had no alternative but she and John could have had months of courtship before he went away if it had not been for his stubbornness .
21 She and John had been together again , as they had in their very first year .
22 After she and John had done so much to guard against the enemy without , the fatal wound was to come from the friend within .
23 And even when they reached home and she and John were at last alone together , she could not forgo the homecoming she had dreamed of for so many weeks .
24 Nora did not say it but she and John gave between three and four thousand pounds a year to these various causes .
25 But she and John had moved on to some other vantage point .
26 ‘ Peter , ’ she said , ‘ you and John .
27 ‘ Were n't you and John going skiing soon ? ’
28 It must hit you and John terribly hard , being friends of his and so young and all .
29 On behalf of CPRW , I would like to thank you and John Harvey for putting so much into leading the course last Saturday .
30 You and John provided a most informative and enjoyable day .
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