Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] either " in BNC.

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1 I was n't driving for an hour , you were n't following me for either an hour or forty miles .
2 Putting your hackles up at everyone you dislike and being grumpy wo n't help to enamour you with either the locals or strangers .
3 Although this looks at first to be quite incomprehensible , it is actually quite a friendly little creature and most willing to assist you with either your work or play , as long as you take a short amount of time to learn a few basic commands .
4 There will usually be an instruction which tells you to either steam , press , or cover with a damp cloth after blocking pieces so size .
5 Which piece of architectural moves you to either heaven or hell ?
6 This option enables you to either grant or deny approval to a package .
7 I hope to see some of you at either the Aston Clinton Weekend in April , the Working with Elderly Day in May or on the trip to Coburg , which I am looking forward to very much .
8 Over the years I have had all sorts of lighter weight machines and I have gradually replaced them with either Wadkin or Robinson versions .
9 Murray , who was employed at the time as the works manager at the premises in Broadfold Road , Bridge of Don , has denied a total of 13 charges , including four allegations that he assaulted a number of men on various occasions by injecting them with either heroin or Temgesic .
10 The new rule allows them to either reduce it or to make no charge .
11 Having instituted proceedings against its two citizens , it is under no obligation to extradite them to either the US or UK .
12 Throughout the country , he explained , are cellphone stations which receive signals from these phones and retransmit them to either the normal British Telecom lines or another cellphone .
13 I think it 's sort of accepted that men need their leisure time you know , it 's vital to them to either get out to the pub or get their leisure time and it 's women that 's considered they do n't need it , they 're you know , I do n't think it 's se se se , considered as important .
14 An Arab League meeting in Cairo on March 22 appeared to have produced an acceptable compromise proposal : al-Megrahi and Fhimah would be handed over first to the Arab League , which would then through UN channels deliver them to either the UK or the US judicial authorities ; the League then sent a delegation to Tripoli to negotiate the terms of the handover .
15 Although the army , still sceptical of the new weapon and uncooperative , were unable to provide him with either maps or even straw for the pilots ' bunks , within a week he had installed on the Verdun front six out of France 's total of fifteen fighter squadrons , and a further eight reconnaissance squadrons ; equalling 120 machines .
16 He longed for her to either finish her job and go back to Germany , or do something blatantly treacherous so he would have an excuse to get rid of her .
17 She felt sorry she had disturbed the usual calmness of a man she respected , but considered she could not apologize to him without either offending or encouraging him .
18 One of the bigger problems was that Fergie believed I was taking the mickey out of him by either cheating or going soft and feigning injury .
19 Sancha 's publicity guru , Max Clifford , is quoted as saying : ‘ Her idea is to write a book and then turn it into either a television drama or a documentary .
20 Like several of us in The Bar at that time , when I made love , or masturbated by myself , I often used to have fantasies about doing it with either O or Boy .
21 If you think that such a pattern will take too long , you can always mix it with either plain stocking stitch or striped ( yes , they creep in here too ) sections .
22 As for the supposition that psychoanalysis favours and furthers personal autonomy , I can find little evidence for it among either the analysts or the analysands whom I have known , unless by autonomy is meant a retreat into a private ( and invariably middle-class ) world of minor emotional fluctuations .
23 In 1986 Neil Kinnock described the ERM as a ‘ strait-jacket ’ which ‘ would leave us with either a very unstable currency or very unstable interest rates ’ .
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