Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] eating " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What have I been eating ? ’
2 ‘ They like to say , death I am eating you . ’
3 School makes me nervous ; when I walk down the corridor I feel that everyone is staring at me , and because a lot of people know about my anorexia they think it their job to comment constantly on what I am eating or not eating , and how much better I look now that I 've put on weight .
4 Instead we are now saying , ‘ I know this diet and exercise plan is working for me ’ , ‘ this time I am going to reach my weight and inch goal ’ , ‘ because I never feel hungry and I am eating the foods I enjoy , I do n't even feel as though I 'm dieting ’ .
5 Or suppose that I am eating escargots for the first time and can not bring myself to forget the disgustingly slimy look and feel of snails in the garden .
6 Josnau a di chop — I am eating at the moment
7 Or if someone says What are you doing ? we can just answer Eating a mango instead of I am eating a mango because we know that I am is understood and does not have to be said .
8 I am eating it really .
9 Mum begins to notice my attachment to John , the amount of hours I am spending away from home , the fact that I am growing up and away from her , and also how much I 'm eating .
10 A man comes on to the terrace while I 'm eating breakfast .
11 ‘ Anyway , ’ he adds , ‘ yoghurt is made with bacteria — but people do n't walk around the place saying ‘ Look , I 'm eating germs ! ’ '
12 Otherwise I 'll nibble on fruit or something to convince myself that I 'm eating well !
13 Belinda frowns : ‘ Sometimes he reads bits of his work to me when I 'm eating .
14 ‘ I do it when I 'm sitting down , walking about the athletes ’ village or even when I 'm eating a meal . ’
15 She said , ‘ Mr Evans , I 've something to tell you , something important , ’ and then rushed straight into it before he could stop her and say , ‘ Clear out while I 'm eating . ’
16 I do n't think I 'm eating enough to actually make myself go .
17 Listen Doctor , I wonder if you could I 'm eating seven boxes of chocolate a week .
18 I just asked whether it had to be done in here , while I 'm eating . ’
19 Tonight I 'm eating the past
20 I 'm eating the past tonight
21 ‘ See , I 'm eating the vegetables . ’
22 I do n't like strangers at the best of times and particularly not when I 'm eating .
23 Then , when I started to get into it I felt kind of holy , y'know , ‘ I 'm eating this good food ’ , but behind that was the desire continually to revert to eating junk food ( and I do ) because I am emotionally dependent on it .
24 ‘ This is a ham roll I 'm eating , Floyd . ’
25 I 'm eating my wife 's cooking ! ’
26 I 'm eating more than
27 Well do you know , when I met , I , I 'm meeting old chaps through this very excellent marriage agency , I 've never expected any thing like it , they are marvellous , and the sent me a nice old lad , but I knew I was onto a looser when he said , of course I go to my daughter-in-law every Saturday for lunch , she absolutely insists because she says , she wants to make sure that I 'm eating properly , now this is a very healthy old man with a very good income who could afford to buy any food he wants and the fact of the matter is his that he 's son is probably not , he does n't want to upset his old dad , and it 's handy to have him to come on Saturday for lunch and be done with it as it were , but I thought surely Bernard your own sense would tell you that nobody want 's their old father and father-in-law every Saturday of their life , for lunch oh .
28 I 'm eating the Dairylea .
29 I 'm eating my penguin but , were n't that mine , that blue one ?
30 I 'm eating all
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