Example sentences of "[noun pl] fit for " in BNC.

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1 The wartime government had promised the troops they would return to ‘ homes fit for heroes to live in ’ , but the sick joke was that you had to be a hero to survive in them .
2 Whilst the extension of the franchise and Christopher Addison 's hopes for building the ‘ homes fit for heroes ’ showed a genuine desire for the radical elements in government to reform British society , the fact that Britain needed to export nearly one-third of her output to pay for essential imports necessitated the re-establishment of settled trading patterns and the development of new markets .
3 Lloyd George 's promise of ‘ homes fit for heroes ’ was implemented in the ‘ Addison ’ Act of 1919 , which first stimulated widespread local authority housing construction .
4 At the end of the war Lloyd George promised ‘ homes fit for heroes ’ , and one of the first pieces of postwar legislation was a Housing Act that provided government subsidies to local authorities to build houses for the working classes .
5 It was Addison , formerly President of the Local Government Board , but with its demise now the first Minister of Health , who introduced the programme which articulated Lloyd George 's election promise to the voters of Wolverhampton in November 1918 that returning soldiers should have ‘ homes fit for heroes ’ .
6 Reports on housing , drawing upon the experience of model estates built before the war and during it for special groups such as munition workers , paved the way for the massive scheme of ‘ homes fit for heroes ’ inaugurated by the post-war coalition government .
7 Working people had new expectations as to just rents and as to the housing conditions they should enjoy ( encapsulated in the political slogan " homes fit for heroes " ) .
8 With their conveniences and their pleasant facades , the two cottages justify her affirmation , which exactly echoes Loudon 's own conviction , that ‘ Life in cottages might be happier than ours , if they were real houses fit for human beings from whom we expect duties and affections . ’
9 They are gifts fit for a king , and so they are meant to be .
10 Only the experience of freedom could now makes slaves fit for it .
11 While Sunderland struggle to get key players fit for the vital relegation run-in , there was good news yesterday concerning tough defender Kevin Ball .
12 The men fit for fighting were moving down there , in thick leather jackets and helmets , with their spears and hunting-axes , their clubs and their knives and their bows , with satchels packed by their wives with barley-bread and some lard , a goatsmilk cheese and a bit of dried fish and mutton , with a few onions , fresh-dug , for savour .
13 Children fit for nothing
14 She has created pop 's answer to Barbarella , dressing her up in clothes fit for a material girl .
15 Off the peg … the clothes fit for a future king .
16 ‘ Father , ’ said Master James earnestly , ‘ I never before saw poor devils living wild wearing good leather jerkins and solid boots , and daggers fit for a baron 's guard . ’
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