Example sentences of "[noun pl] required for " in BNC.

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1 When John Barbour , archdeacon of Aberdeen , wrote his long verse account of the career of Robert Bruce , king of Scots , about 1380 , he emphasised that his hero 's successes against the English stemmed from his military qualities , his understanding of his men , his appreciation of the tactics required for victory , in a word his ‘ professionalism ’ as a man in arms .
2 a ) How can schools ensure that records of achievement provide evidence of the skills and aptitudes required for specific employers ' needs ? b ) Would n't it be unfair if employment tests were waived for Compact graduates , but maintained for non-Compact job applicants ? c ) If local policies are negotiated regarding this issue , what will be the implications for national companies ?
3 ( c ) The motor is unable to reach its maximum speed if the number of steps to be executed is less than the total steps required for acceleration and deceleration , i.e. the initial value of COUNT is less than ACCVAL + DECVAL .
4 The five parameters required for these curves were derived from the data : the initial numbers of damaged cells in each subset , the death rate for each subset , and the conversion rate from one subset to the other .
5 The algorithms required for most data processing are relatively simple .
6 To this can be added funds required for portfolio ( share/bond ) investment and direct investment in projects and joint ventures by domestic and multinational corporations .
7 I had paid my rent early on with the last inelastic cheque I 'd written , had n't paid my Poll Tax , had tried to find bar work but been unsuccessful , and was borrowing off Norris , Gav and a few other pals to buy food , which comprised mostly bread and beans and the odd black pudding supper , plus a cider or two when I could be persuaded to squander my meagre resources on contributing to the funds required for a raid on the local off-licence .
8 The microprocessor is well-suited to the generation and timing of the digital signals required for stepping motor control and in Chapter 8 the whole subject of microprocessor/stepping motor interfacing is discussed in detail .
9 A minimum sequence of amino acids 62–171 essential for binding to RAP30 is localized in the N-terminal globular domain , and there are sequences required for transcription activity at the C-terminal globular domain .
10 In fact , when metals or ceramics are prepared in single-crystal form , even the common materials such as iron , aluminium , alumina and rock salt — to name only a few — are anisotropic and so not adequately described by a single modulus such as Young 's modulus or even the two moduli required for an isotropic material .
11 1814 " This Meeting knowing that they are Bound to pay the Carriage of the articles required for building the Church of Kildaltan …
12 There are three ingredients required for successful compliance : first , the patient must be motivated to comply ; second , he must be informed about diet in a way that is individually appropriate ; thirdly , realistic and attainable objectives must be set .
13 In the process of defining the regulatory elements required for spatially restricted domains of Hox-B expression , we have produced lines of mice carrying Hox/lacZ transgenes that reproduce the endogenous pattern of Hox-B1 expression , including its ability to respond to retinoic acid ( H.M. et al. , manuscript in preparation ) .
14 Sartre 's account thus sets up the articulation of history , univocal meaning , and totality as the indissoluble set of elements required for the validation of Marxism , necessary in order to save it from its detour from itself .
15 Conditions attaching to the sale , similar to those in sale of shares agreement , but also consents required for the transfer of properties , other major assets and major contracts .
16 Decentralization fragments the scope of radical change and raises the thresholds required for it to be achieved , a maxim which constitutional and administrative designers take seriously in many liberal democracies .
17 The climatic conditions of Scotland and parts of Cumbria and Northumbria are particularly suitable for the production of healthy high quality seed potatoes required for the following year 's crop and it is in these areas that most of the seed potatoes are grown .
18 After the Paris meeting it was announced that about 85 per cent of this amount had been pledged , with donors promising $300,000,000 in debt relief and between $800,000,000 and $900,000,000 in grants and loans , mainly to finance imports required for the economic recovery programme .
19 Checks and balances required for South Africa 's power-sharing process
20 The exertions of all the different kinds of labour that are directly or indirectly involved in making it ; together with the abstinences or rather the waitings required for saving the capital used in making it : all these efforts and sacrifices together will be called the real cost of production of the commodity .
21 A further difficulty arises when considering the catchment areas required for different services .
22 Germany , the Netherlands and Belgium are supporters of the British plan but other EC countries say that they can not afford to build the new plants required for waste disposal .
23 Member states were bound by article 1(1) of the Directive to ‘ grant all foreign exchange authorisations required for the conclusion or performance of transactions or for transfers between residents of member states in respect of ’ such capital movements .
24 Finally , because the examination is set on knowledge and abilities required for secondary school entry , and because all children do aspire to such entry , it forces teachers to cover material with their pupils whether they are able to understand it or not ; the very antithesis of sound pedagogy .
25 This suggests that this test has identified a linguistic skill which is distinct from the linguistic abilities required for success on these other tests .
26 Generally , five-year-olds are held to have ‘ the basic cognitive and linguistic abilities required for giving and understanding explanations of events and actions ’ .
27 We have seen that by the time children start school they have developed the basic cognitive and linguistic abilities required for handling explanations in the empirical and intentional modes .
28 Suppose , for example , we had as our task the programming of two robots in such a way that they could systematically aid one another in an open range of tasks : what properties beyond the specific abilities required for the tasks would they need to have ?
29 Similarly credits earned on exchange or by credit transfer ( normally a maximum of four exchange credits are allowed ) are counted towards the number of credits required for an award but the marks are not used for the purposes of classification .
30 The six credits required for the BA have been largely technology based with a strong emphasis on environmental issues and their control .
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