Example sentences of "[noun pl] goes [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The intense involvement which can soon develop makes programming one of those rather rare activities in which time can cease to exist and the passage of hours goes by unnoticed .
2 The Blues ' Graham Marshall gets one in the eye as McIntosh of the Reds goes for broke during his impressive Scottish Trial performance .
3 Most of the money spent in capital cases goes towards the litigation , which can take over a decade before all the avenues of appeal have been exhausted .
4 As there are few opportunities for making it by oneself , a great deal of the effort of those in low-income groups goes into working out how they can maximize their income within the existing rules .
5 Approximately half the total current expenditure on goods and services provided by local authorities goes on education .
6 A public exhibition showing artists ' impressions of a pedestrianised Stockton High Street with new shops , car parks and a bus station , waterfront development and a major facelift on two housing estates goes on show in the town 's Castle Centre for five days from Tuesday .
7 A flight of steps goes up the left-hand side of the gallery .
8 One can , for instance , employ letters of the alphabet , but if the list of major subjects goes past 26 one is in trouble .
9 A big thanks goes to for organising the evening .
10 Cats do n't usually take to car travel , that 's why I do n't often take any of mine with me , and shutting them up in cages goes against the grain , but my sister 's two Burmese love the car , they 'll go and sit in the car when it parked .
11 According to the AUT , the effect of such relationships goes beyond the people involved .
12 that the duty of judges goes beyond the automatic enforcement of the dictates of Parliament .
13 Our morbid fascination with serial killers goes into necrophiliac overdrive with the publication of The Shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer ( Hodder , February , £14.99 , 0 340 57482 8 ) by Brian Masters .
14 Then it all joins up again and goes back in , goes along here , so everything that goes down there , the ten amps goes through this one again , and back into the battery .
15 Up to two thirds of the operating profits of owner-managed companies goes on interest payments , it is claimed today .
16 ALPINE GALLERY An auction of contemporary art : a percentage of proceeds goes to ARK , the environmental organisation .
17 service from Norwood Gardens goes to Nottingham .
18 Yes but as I 've I 've seen many a bus coming towards Norwood Gardens goes round the little and back out again .
19 The study of such commonsense matters goes under the delightful name of ergodynamics .
20 The current distribution of responsibilities goes against the principle endorsed by the Herbert Commission of giving each local authority ‘ functions and powers which are separate and distinct ’ ( Herbert 1960 : 197 ) .
21 The employment of these workers goes beyond manufacturing establishments and factory assembly lines to a wide range of jobs .
22 The satellite stations colossal £304million investment is in urgent need of an audience boost with fears that once Sky Sports goes to subscription only the viewing figures will be lucky to hit 700,000 .
23 MAKING TRACKS This month 's Making Tracks goes behind the closed doors of the record industry for an intriguing glimpse inside the minds of the A&R men and women of the business , those people on whose whim your musical career could stand or fall …
24 At Dolgarrog the H.E.P. is used in an aluminium rolling mill , but most of the electricity from the H.E.P. stations and from the nuclear power stations goes into the national grid mainly for use in England .
25 Right well it will give you er I will go away and work these plans out but one that comes to mind is where there 's er a life cover but it 's a low level of life cover so you have more of an investment erm more of th more of your contributions goes towards the investment so that you get the bigger return in the ten years when you need it .
26 First prize of tapes worth £100 goes to of while the second prize of £50 worth of tapes is on its way to of and the third prize of £25 worth of tapes goes to of .
27 The science of adjusting these coefficients goes by the name of control theory .
28 Er the catholics goes over there .
29 Catholics goes over there and the others go to er ones down protestants down here .
30 A cohesion fund was agreed that would turn out to be a subset of structural funds with the intention of ensuring that money which is diverted within the Community for the right purposes goes to the areas that most need it .
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