Example sentences of "[noun pl] use [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 sitting there doing paper work and the ki erm the kids use it as a a an office and what have you , there with their paper work , Sarah does her homework there and we have our meals in there so erm sort of it does n't really matter but er you know it saves them all coming out for a meal , and having to do it cos trouble is it 's too small to keep an eye on people to see if they want anything , everything 's alright and what have you
2 For instance , the Pacific islanders use them to decorate the prows of their canoes and Malaysian fishermen attach cowries to their nets .
3 It 's just I mean as philosophy just very standardly takes words from ordinary language gradually gets a technical meaning , er which is different from the original meaning and then when ordinary speakers use it in the original meaning they get told off .
4 During the development of modern phonetics in the present century it was for a long time hoped that scientific study of intonation would make it possible to state what the function of each different aspect of intonation was , and that foreign learners could then be taught rules to enable them to use intonation in the way that native speakers use it .
5 Virtually all the Japanese martial arts use it as a means of producing extra power from within the body — just as weightlifters make great grunting and groaning noises when attempting a particularly heavy lift .
6 The male hoverfly uses these to keep the tiny female in view as he chases her during courtship , while robberflies use them to track their flying prey .
7 Adventure schools use them as centres , climbing clubs arrange meets at them ; the Army Camps around them with the bothy the designated ‘ mess tent ’ , and people hold 50th birthday parties at them to save marquee costs .
8 If the police can exploit the technique for measuring the speed of road hogs , dare we hope to find that bats use it for measuring the speed of insect prey ?
9 No wonder top models use it .
10 Electricity companies use it to switch off certain loads , such as water heaters , at times of peak demand .
11 But a lot of youngsters use it too .
12 Other countries use it to increase their exports .
13 Educational indicators across institutions take on even greater importance within this more competitive context as parents use them to choose schools .
14 It is furthermore of great importance that the devices interfere less with working procedures than traditional shielding equipment does , and it is experienced that investigators use them more frequently than the traditional large shields .
15 And i from a technical point of view I would support my case by saying that if OPCAS use it , it 's good enough for us if it 's good enough for OPCAS .
16 Newspapers and radio stations use them as copy for stories , as this unsolicited material is a good source of news for little effort .
17 Composers use them frequently , in order to avoid the rigidity of true canonic writing .
18 Most major libraries use them in order to organize the stock on their shelves , and many use these schemes in the catalogues that provide access to that stock .
19 In fact this criticism , which was very powerful in undermining the claims of Realism , was open to a retort that it missed the point , since Morgenthau claimed only that rationality assumptions were being used as economists use them , to establish a limiting case or ideal type by which actual behaviour could be evaluated .
20 Ah , these agencies use them to .
21 Lick them , you see , keeps them people , er , farmers use them today , chuck them out in the field
22 The two arrow machines use it and there 's a hundred and two hundred and nine machines altogether
23 ‘ Players with bad wrists use them .
24 Britain , America , Canada , India , Pakistan , and many other ex-colonies use it ; no small slice of the world 's voters .
25 Some writers use s/he as a non-sexist alternative .
26 Trucks , buses and most taxis use them , and 40 per cent of vehicle fuel sold in the UK last year was diesel .
27 ‘ The Ch'kasians use them . ’
28 The distance estimate is important because astronomers use it as the first rung in the distance ladder they extend across the Universe .
29 Olympic coaches teach it , sports psychologists write about it and sports personalities use it .
30 We find scenes in which two characters on an equal footing move back and forth between Thou and You according to mood ( Hal and Falstaff ) ; others where both characters use Thou , one expressing affection , the other hostility ( Richard III wooing Lady Anne ) ; others where the shift from You to Thou expresses a crucial shift of intimacy ( Goneril to Edmund ) or acceptance ( Brabantio to Roderigo ) .
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