Example sentences of "[noun pl] say [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The performers say their confidence only began to wane after the filming was over .
2 His supporters say his energy has enabled him to succeed to a large extent in holding the Palestinian movement together during a series of splits and crises .
3 Trevors parents say their son should have been taken to hospital straight away , not left in pain for two hours .
4 The education authority says there 's a national shortage of teachers , but the parents say their youngsters ' education is suffering .
5 If the parents say your wife should do this or should not do that , the boy listens to his parents .
6 But the Home Office and prison reformers say his actions were mischievous and disruptive .
7 The Conservatives say its imposition would raise business costs and thus create unemployment .
8 Such activity might be seen as part of the ‘ 15% free time ’ which most R & D directors say their staff have to work on their personal interests .
9 Today , hospital officials say her condition is improving , but she remains seriously ill .
10 A bonfire , planned for a playing field in East Oxford , has had to be cancelled because safety officials say its too dangerous .
11 The conservationists say our water fails to meet EC levels for nitrate , lead and aluminium .
12 Carers say their work saves the tax payer around thirty billion pounds a year .
13 The Bank of Spain denies selling options ; dealers say its footprints are everywhere .
14 Conference watchers say his barnstorming oratory 's been sorely missed .
15 The booksellers say its basic economics .
16 The British Goverenemnt wants all ferries to be updated by 1993 and it 's trying to persuade the rest of the world to agree , but the families say its taking too long .
17 Close observers of Mr Bond 's affairs say his family controls considerable wealth .
18 Sources say its looking for a decision by Spring .
19 And many villagers who 've grown up with the noise of the jets say its the end of an era .
20 But the Telethon organisers say her view is only a minority one .
21 HP , IBM and the rest of the COSE firms say their effort does not affect their operating system plans in any shape or form .
22 German firms say their only hope of staying competitive is to cut production , and are seeking co-operation among themselves to do this in the the most effective way .
23 But prison officers say their procedures to pick up at risk prisoners were followed .
24 Meanwhile the pub 's owners say their business has been wrecked
25 Campaigners say its a death trap
26 Meanwhile the campaigners say their protest against what they call a refugee prison will go on .
27 Some of the shoot 's nearest neighbours say their lives are being ruined
28 But neighbours say its not enough .
29 The promotors say their video is a work of art that should n't be judged on how much trade it generates , but some argue unless Oxford breaks away from it 's traditional image the tourists fantasy will never be a heaven for those who live and work there .
30 the expert sailers say its not a beginners ' boat but will give an exciting performance … they think it will be a good test of skill … and it 's a great boat to sail … it 's fantastic … just the craft to be in
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