Example sentences of "[noun pl] as mere " in BNC.

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1 Whatever the chancellor 's motives , it is a mistake to dismiss his budget for savers as mere window-dressing .
2 Those studies which concentrated on local-central relations ignored local politics because they saw local authorities as mere receptacles for central policy .
3 So perhaps to imagine the postman 's work in isolation is to imagine him walking down a street posting letters , or at least sealed envelopes , but imagining the houses as mere facades , with no rooms or people behind .
4 ‘ Y freely confess I have often dismissed your opinions as mere intuition .
5 But the modern behaviourist and functionalist analyses of mind treat mental states as mere powers to produce behaviour : that is , they abolish the intrinsic qualitative content of mental states , replacing it by causal , hence relational , properties .
6 In keeping with the Foucauldian critique of reflection theory , Kendall outlines a general shift away from versions of social histories of art that employ images as mere backdrops for cultural analysis : ‘ The shift towards theory and the invocation of new disciplines and methodologies has left the work of art with an uncertain status and a disquieting future ’ .
7 Nevertheless he dismissed the residents ' protests as mere ‘ inconveniences ’ and insisted ‘ The closure of our Cork plant is in no way a reflection on our workforce , on the IDA , nor the Irish government which extended all possible facilities to our corporation in the difficult times we experienced .
8 Do not , however , regard the kettledrums as mere noisemakers .
9 Nizan , in short , was accused by Sartre of treating his characters as mere ciphers of a particular class .
10 Even whilst developing the modern immaterialist notion of consciousness , the eighteenth-century empiricists and others were attacking the dignity of intellect and assimilating it to sensory activity by treating thoughts as mere images .
11 Immortalized wrongly but concretely by the call to burn bras , the women 's movement actually advised a policy of refusal of crippling stiletto heeled shoes , distorting and uncomfortable underpinnings and garments as mere titillation .
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