Example sentences of "[noun pl] and give " in BNC.

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1 A mother had instituted her sons heirs and added : ‘ Let them not for any reason alienate the lands which will come to them from my estate , but let them conserve them for their successors and give each other reciprocal guarantees to that effect . ’
2 For older children , make goals at either end of the room out of chair legs and give the point to the first person to score .
3 The purpose of the Enterprise is to involve Third World countries in mining nodules and give them a share in the profits .
4 I bet you go to the zoo with your kids and give the monkeys bananas , then complain when they jump around — the monkeys I mean .
5 For this ballot the scrutineers will prepare a ballot paper listing the names of the candidates and give a copy for the purpose of balloting to each Member of the House of Commons in receipt of the Conservative whip .
6 Of course — ’ he paused , ‘ — I could ask you to look after my small animals and give the farm work to your colleagues , but I gather that would n't suit you at all . ’
7 The clear , vivid patterns excite the zebra 's eyes and give it a sensation of strong identity , as if it were the member of a football team or a sports club with conspicuous striped shirts .
8 If the garden does not already have them , then you will be able to erect fences that are high enough to deter intruders and give you privacy of course .
9 Few are willing to transfer funds and give management responsibility to the MOH ( Ibid . ) .
10 Also there should be an effective and widely respected authority which can solve disputes and give penalties in the case of infringement of mutually agreed codes of practice .
11 There are already plenty of pointers and anomalies , and I 'd like to go through them with you to try to sift out the red herrings and give due precedence to the important facts .
12 You must observe ES policies on equal opportunities and give your full commitment to any measures introduced to ensure equality of opportunity .
13 It 's been forced to shut 350 of its 2,000 UK shoe shops and give 1,700 workers the boot , at a cost of £32 million .
14 To give a better understanding of how Schmincke 's Soft Pastels perform , we asked Jackie to outline her working methods and give her judgement on the Schmincke range : ‘ Working with pastels is , for me , a constant joy : I am hooked !
15 ‘ Just take these other duties off my shoulders and give me a day a week for the next year to attend a decent training course so that I can master it , and I 'm yours . ’
16 I get hold of her shoulders and give her a good shake .
17 Our intuitive arguments will still apply to these homoclinic orbits and give some understanding of the way in which the structure of the attractor changes .
18 It was quite possible for them to take their deferences and privileges and give rather little in return .
19 If you meet a young man , ’ she instructed , ‘ bite upon your lips and give your cheeks a rub to bring up the colour . ’
20 Using Appendix B it can be shown that the contractions and give equivalent results : the Ricci tensor is thus the unique contraction of the Riemann tensor .
21 Before applying , them it is a good idea to use an exfoliating cream to remove patches of dry skin , or these areas will tend to absorb more colour than smoother areas and give a patchy result .
22 Wing Commander Tim Woods says they will help transport casualties and give immediate treatment if needed to any injured troops .
23 Only in a secure Britain can we break down barriers and give people a real sense of fair play .
24 On the basis of these findings a model can be suggested to explain how noxious stimulation can lead to induction of c -fos and give rise to the neurophysiological and behavioural changes seen in pain states .
25 An East Berlin policeman was on the platform to offer directions and give advice .
26 Some people do n't stop when she asks them for money , but most people think for a bit and then dig in their pockets and give her summat .
27 I jump to my feet and give her a hug , and she pats my back .
28 It urged skins to ‘ I want all you skinheads to get up on your feet , put your braces together and your boots on your feet and give me some of that oooold moooonstompin ! ’ but it was a crude attempt to satisfy the skinhead market .
29 Was n't it time to put aside her fears and insecurities and give herself up to the heady delight of love and passion ?
30 However , the Full Moon in Scorpio on May 16 should bring everyone to their senses and give some light relief .
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