Example sentences of "[noun pl] on oct. " in BNC.

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1 In elections for the chair of the Supreme Soviet ( standing parliament elected from the Congress ) , Ruslan Khasbulatov , the acting chair , was elected from among five candidates on Oct. 28 by 559 votes to 381 , the election having been postponed from July [ see p. 38349 ] .
2 Presidential debates involving Bush , Clinton and Perot were held on Oct. 11 , 15 and 19 , and a debate between vice-presidential candidates on Oct. 13 .
3 North also told journalists on Oct. 22 that Bush , then Vice President , probably knew in outline of his activities in Central America but had no specific knowledge of the diversion of arms sales profits to the contras .
4 Senior ministers warned foreign journalists on Oct. 16 of a possible conservative-led coup against Yeltsin and the reforms .
5 The Egyptian Foreign Minister , Amr Moussa , and the current President of the EC Council , Hans Van den Broeck , made speeches on Oct. 30 .
6 Sixteen people were killed by unidentified gunmen in apparent reprisal attacks in Soweto and nearby townships on Oct. 28 after an Inkatha supporter was killed by a mob .
7 Abie Nathan , peace campaigner and owner of the Voice of Peace radio station , was imprisoned for 18 months on Oct. 6 for meeting with PLO chairman Yassir Arafat in July in defiance of a law forbidding contacts with the PLO .
8 Following the general election on Sept. 27 the new 341-member Chamber of Deputies and 143-member Senate held their first sessions on Oct. 16 .
9 The Moldavian Supreme Soviet declared a state of emergency in the Gagauz districts on Oct. 26 , suspending local government and banning public meetings .
10 A 50-member team , the 45th and largest mission yet of UN weapons inspectors , conducted a search of more than 50 sites on Oct. 16-30 but failed to locate any of Iraq 's estimated 100 Scud missiles .
11 Deputy chairs Boris Isayev and Svetlana Goryacheva , who had been among those seeking Yeltsin 's resignation in April 1991 [ see p. 38130 ] , had resigned their posts on Oct. 24 .
12 The Sudanese government , after weeks of insisting that reports of imminent famine were " baseless " , had asked potential donor countries on Oct. 25 for 75,000 tonnes of grain as a standby until an evaluation of the harvest gave it a clearer idea of the extent of the food shortage .
13 The country had entered a Memorandum of Understanding ( MOU ) with the CARICOM countries on Oct. 27 , 1989 — in an effort to win their support for its accession to the Lomé Convention [ see p. 37133 ] — to refrain from exporting bananas to the European Communities in competition with other African , Caribbean and Pacific producers .
14 Aristide addressed a specially convened emergency session of foreign ministers of the OAS member countries on Oct. 2 and an extraordinary session of the UN Security Council on Oct. 3 .
15 The constitutional proposals for Bosnia-Hercegovina presented by the Geneva Conference negotiators on Oct. 28 [ see p. 39150 ] were rejected by Radovan Karadzic , the Bosnian Serb leader .
16 The House of Assembly , whose members would serve a six-year term , had been restructured in line with constitutional changes originally published by the government in three draft bills on Oct. 9 , 1989 [ see p. 36966 ] .
17 On Jan. 11 the French government gave its approval for a joint venture known as Eurodynamics to be formed by merging the missile development divisions of British Aerospace and the French group Thomson-CSF , as announced by the two companies on Oct. 16 , 1989 .
18 Myanma 's good relations with Thailand were tested in October over a border incident , when Myanman troops on Oct. 6 arrested a group of 10 Thai officials , including a district officer .
19 Meanwhile in Turkey itself Turkish troops on Oct. 3-4 devastated the small Kurdish towns of Kulp ( Diyarbakir province ) and Curkurca , causing half of the latter 's population of 8,000 to flee [ see p. 39114 ] , and from Oct. 5 onwards heavily bombarded PKK strongholds in the Mount Ararat region .
20 The government showed its new military capabilities at the independence anniversary celebrations on Oct. 1 , 1989 , when Franco-German anti-tank missiles and French Mistral portable ground-to-air missiles were displayed for the first time .
21 Celebrations on Oct. 3 to mark the first anniversary of unification were marred by about 50 attacks on immigrants throughout the country , in which at least 25 people were injured .
22 The pilots on Oct. 4 withdrew their pay claim and agreed to accept the 6 per cent national guideline agreed by the government and the trade unions , but the airlines refused to respond while the matter was before the arbitration commission .
23 Public-sector workers on Oct. 24 took part in a 24-hour general strike organized by the trade union organization Force ouvrière ( FO ) in protest at high unemployment caused by government policies .
24 Explosions occurred at seven Istanbul banks on Oct. 24 .
25 The Rwandan armed forces numbered only 5,000 , and the containment of the rebellion was largely attributed to the presence of 300 French and 535 Belgian troops dispatched by their governments on Oct. 4 , ostensibly to protect their citizens .
26 An EC Commission report delivered to EC governments on Oct. 9 recommended that they should take measures to restrict illegal immigration and to harmonize procedures on asylum and that the situation of legal immigrants and genuine refugees within the EC should be improved .
27 As part of its ongoing anti-corruption drive the Wingti government suspended four of the country 's 19 provincial governments on Oct. 13 , thereby bringing the total under suspension to six .
28 Amid protracted party political disputes , he announced Cabinet appointments on Oct. 2-8 which covered the political spectrum , with representatives from the right-wing Liberal Front Party ( PFL — formerly the mainstay of the Collor government ) ; the Social Democratic Party of Brazil ( PSDB ) ; the Democratic Labour Party ( PDT ) ; and the Brazilian Socialist Party ( PSB ) , as well as one member of the left-wing Workers ' Party ( PT ) , in a " personal " capacity ( the PT having turned down an invitation to join the government ) .
29 King Hussein paid his first visit to Egypt in more than two years on Oct. 14 .
30 Other talks on the safe disposal of nuclear weapons were held in Kiev between US and Ukrainian defence officials on Oct. 12 .
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