Example sentences of "[noun pl] for everybody " in BNC.

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1 I 'm erm I 've been working in low cost housing , housing charities , for a very long time , with Shelter and various other charities like that , and I never cease to be amazed that the Conservative Group , here or nationally , are hostile to subsidies for council housing , because the subsidy which goes to owner-occupiers , through mortgage tax relief , is very much greater than the subsidy that goes to council housing and there 's nothing we as a Council can do about this , but I do hope that in due course we will get a fair system of subsidising houses for everybody , so that wealthy people on high incomes who are getting a big subsidy on their housing through their tax relief , erm are not getting more than people on low incomes living in council houses .
2 But Terry added : ‘ These are tight times for everybody .
3 ‘ So what we did was to take a couple of months for everybody in the band to write songs , and to rehearse everything .
4 It was a matter of very small beginnings for everybody , and then as the pictures that they made became more and more popular , more and more acceptable , used not merely in fairgrounds or in odd corners of shops and this sort of thing , for the odd fifteen minutes or twenty minutes of movie , but entered into the music halls , became one of the acts in the music hall entertainment erm this really was the foundation of a new industry , a new industry of entertainment , a new industry of information .
5 And then he thought : I 've spent a long time doing things for everybody 's sake .
6 I mean it 's easy , cos when mum gets all those things for everybody else , clearly she does n't get something for herself .
7 At the moment there are difficulties for everybody .
8 And the next thing , why and she whips her boobs for everybody to see , and they 're all , yeah !
9 Meals for everybody , including slimmers , should contain such foods .
10 I 'm gon na need a pension when I reach the age of sixty , sixty five I recommend that we support this motion and vigorously campaign for pensions for everybody on an equal status .
11 A few dealers accepted the fines as a matter of course , especially as accumulated funds got spent on drinks for everybody in the local pub on Friday night .
12 It was pretty small and there was never enough chairs for everybody .
13 Well it 's just biscuits for everybody .
14 I 'm bound to say that they failed to learn from their own history after nineteen-eighteen , so that they did in effect repeat erm their history a second time with disastrous consequences for everybody .
15 By the time you 've finished buying cards for everybody June , you may as well buy one every day of week !
16 ‘ I 've got plans for hotels , a leisure centre , holiday chalets , supermarket , a car-park ; jobs for everybody , revitalize the whole area . ’
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