Example sentences of "[noun pl] believe that " in BNC.

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1 The Jews believed that God controlled everything : the forces of nature , Israel as his chosen people and also the destiny of all other nations .
2 The Jews believed that the Holy of Holies was the place where God was to be found .
3 These indicated that of those questioned , 73.8% of secondary schools and 43. 1% of primary schools believed that there had been a decline in the quantity of choral singing provided in schools .
4 The Benedictines believed that prayer should be brevis , pura and frequens — brief , pure and frequent .
5 The Burgundians thought that eating too many potatoes caused leprosy , the Prussians believed that they were responsible for the dreaded consumption , whilst the Russians simply said that they were food sent from the devil .
6 As I have told my hon. Friend before , I do not think that there has ever been any prospect of any member of the European Community or of the United Nations believing that a United Nations or a Western European Union peace-keeping force could force its way into Yugoslavia against the opposition either of the Yugoslav national army — the JNA — or of any armed force .
7 Journalists believed that their message could reach even the lower orders .
8 Bombload was to have been ten to fifteen tons and the designers believed that after shedding its bombs , the Fugaku would have been able to outpace US interceptors .
9 When the course began in 1976 its tutors believed that content was more important than process .
10 58% of subjects believed that people with TB should be quarantined , and 63% perceived TB as a severe social stigma , endorsing the item ‘ if you have TB no-one wants to be around you , even people you thought were your friends ’ .
11 The authors believed that their serological results supported the view that infection with M paratuberculosis might cause Crohn 's disease .
12 In almost every case , the concerned parties believed that , by living on the edge , they 'd somehow gain insights denied normal , everyday people .
13 Victorin Hameni Bieleu , a leading member of the opposition , said that many parties believed that the RDPC would take complete control of the Assembly as a result and predicted a boycott of the elections " if things continue like this " .
14 Third parties believed that Unkiar-Skelessi marked a further stage in Russia 's southward advance .
15 He took four of six rounds and yet without ever making his supporters believe that a decisive victory was on the cards .
16 Although all orthodox Jews believe that the Messiah will come , the Lubavitch allow messianic vision to colour their entire lives .
17 The Jews believe that God promised Israel to them because they are Abraham 's heirs .
18 The answer is that the surgeons in those units believe that the expensive implants are better than the cheaper models .
19 There may be an advantage in laying down a procedure where the application is novel , and/or the parties believe that a particular approach is necessary and that if it is not stipulated an expert is likely to follow some other undesired procedure .
20 This can largely be avoided by careful handling , and many connoisseurs believe that a slight structural asymmetry adds to the rug 's overall character .
21 CITY share strategists believe that if Labour forms the next government , or leads a coalition government in a hung Parliament , investment sentiment will swing away from companies linked to the British economy in favour of those making the bulk of their profits overseas .
22 Conservative strategists believe that his backing for the Prime Minister could persuade up to 500,000 wavering voters to support the Tories , and could be crucial in a number of closely-fought seats .
23 Party strategists believe that Labour will have to embrace proportional representation and form some kind of alliance with the Liberal Democrats to provide a credible challenge to the Conservatives .
24 Party strategists believe that Labour will have to embrace proportional representation and form some kind of alliance with the Liberal Democrats to provide a credible challenge to the Conservatives .
25 Because of this certain ideas have passed into critical legend ; Wordsworth 's own Preface has encouraged modern readers to believe that the reading public of the 1790s were completely unprepared for the new poetry , and that Lyrical Ballads was a complete failure from the point of view of communication and also of financial success .
26 ‘ You encourage your readers to believe that one day their prince will come . ’
27 Contrary to such a view , black kids believe that , for them , being successful is more difficult than it would be for the white person of comparable proficiency .
28 This reflection lights up the eyes in the rays of the moon or a lamp to such an extent that some native peoples believe that the tiger 's eyes actually generate their own light at night .
29 Empire may strengthen the hand of prudence , because international humiliations tempt subjects to believe that their Emperor has no clothes .
30 Most Right-to-Lifers believe that only a threat to the life of the mother is sufficient justification and that most women seek abortions for essentially ‘ trivial ’ reasons .
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