Example sentences of "[noun pl] have come " in BNC.

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1 These various new proposals have now been put into effect and a Committee for Institutions has come into being .
2 ‘ The van I used to use to transport my bikes has come to the end of its day , and Bill Doig has very kindly offered me the use of the station van if it is not required for company duties . ’
3 And oddly enough erm the lead in many cases has come as much from the primary school as from the university in this respect .
4 In a recent study of all Higher Education Institutions it has become quite clear that the main impetus towards Equal Opportunity Policies has come from female members of staff or particular unions representing female members ( CRE , unpublished ) .
5 Local and regional governments are , potentially , heavy spenders of public funds and complete freedom for them to institute and carry out their own expenditure programmes has come to be regarded in some quarters as subversive of a sufficiently refined power of control over public expenditure overall by central government .
6 Roosevelt , at the beginning of the 1930s and at the height of World War II , may have briefly approached such a position of pre-eminence , but none of his successors has come even close to such a situation .
7 The importance of the structure of organic superconductors has come under the scrutiny of another group working at the Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois .
8 The poor duck must have crawled all that way , a hundred metres or more to that second patch of light ; our bright idea of putting the branches down after him to cover him up was pointless ; for all these years it would only have needed some more kids to have come along with torches or bits of burning paper to discover the body .
9 The lofty idea that India could endure as a secular democracy of diverse peoples had come under open attack from the Hindu chauvinists of the Bharatiya Janata Party ( BJP ) .
10 But this was what the fans had come to hear , from the downy-cheeked chaps in jeans with their shirts hanging out , to the heavy metal chicks and rock'n'roll babes in their sleeveless leather jackets , chains and biker boots .
11 The fans had come for goals and it was Pompey who nearly supplied the first .
12 Maybe in the old town itself where the centuries had come and gone and left no trace .
13 Overall , more than nine out of ten ( 93% ) of the very recent ( post-1976 ) publications issued to readers had come to the Library under copyright deposit legislation , the remainder having been acquired by purchase ( 6% ) or donation ( 2% ) .
14 The changes — as well as the perception of change — in the socio-political environment , together with the criticisms of broadcasting practices , highlighted the rather difficult positions which the broadcasting organizations had come to occupy .
15 Fresh elections here would be contested on Oct. 11 , and the Middle East Economic Digest of Oct. 9 reported that 26 candidates had come forward , including Faris Buwayz , who had resigned as Minister of Foreign and Expatriate Affairs in late August in protest at the elections .
16 The Padre was unable to find any word at all ; his eyes had come to rest on the golden letters " Holy Bible " on the back of Fleury 's razor blade .
17 His eyes had come to rest less on the table and more on her .
18 It had once been a well , serving the monastery , but when the Red Guards had come they had filled it with broken statuary , almost to its rim , and now the water — channelled from the hills above by way of an underground stream — rose to the lip of the well .
19 The mandroid guards had come to usher us along , herding us to our seats .
20 At the time , the proposal was plausible although , of course , it still ducked the issue of where the spores had come from in the first place .
21 Yet by the end of 1690 most prominent laymen and clergy had come to take the oaths to the new regime , and only a tiny minority persisted as Jacobites or Nonjurors .
22 That threat , she said , was the reason why interested parties had come together to work for an improvement .
23 The crash above their heads had come when it was lifted bodily and flung across the deck .
24 Although the funds had come from Hurley 's budget , the yacht was bought in the name of Andreous Kasikopu , a retired Cypriot marine police captain who looked remarkably like Claude Rains .
25 Some 200 Russian Jews had come to the Netherlands from Israel via Hungary in mid-1991 and sought asylum on the grounds that they had been discriminated against when they arrived in Israel from the Soviet Union .
26 Even Sir John Stokes , the bristle-brushed old gent for whom ‘ the twentieth century has been a mistake ’ , sat in the Commons representing the Birmingham dormitories of Halesowen and Stourbridge , where the closest most of his supporters had come to a foxhunt was a roadside cocktail lounge called the Whip and Saddle .
27 Edward VII thought it possible that his son might be the last British king , and during the reign of George V , Harold Nicolson reckoned that five emperors , eight kings and eighteen minor dynasties had come to an end .
28 But the spears had come at him one at a time , inanimate projectiles unable to change direction , speed or purpose once thrown .
29 Older brothers had offered to help out along the way and — as the Christmas bounty proved — presents had come along and sixpences and treats .
30 For once , words had come easily to her : she was amazed and delighted by her own glibness .
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