Example sentences of "[noun pl] have actually " in BNC.

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1 Vickers ' analysis suggests that paradoxically this creation of new agencies to regulate such activities has actually increased the ability of government to intervene in certain areas of the economy .
2 We 'll have a little inspection later on to see if any birds has actually doodled on it .
3 Moreover , the creation of political boundaries in the Sahelian countries during colonial and post-colonial times has actually contributed to the disruption of a carefully regulated system of pastoral movements and pastoral-agricultural symbiosis , leading to environmental deterioration and desertification ( Franke & Chasin 1980 : Ch.3 & p.98 ) .
4 Bettelheim and Zelan ( 1982 ) demonstrate how vocabulary load in readers has actually diminished across the years : First readers in the 1920s contained on average 645 different words ; in the 1930s 460 , in the 1940s and 1950s 350 words .
5 Right yeah erm so that can be , that can be a bit awkward but still some of the older stuff can give you a bit of a grounding in , in , in , in , in , in what it 's about if you can find anything relevant and sometimes you 've just got to sort of wander round the library and pick things up off the shelves like at random and see , see if you can find something in the index or find something in the contents pages that sort of vaguely coincides with what the you know what 's been talked about in the class that week erm sometimes if you keep looking you might actually be dead lucky and find one of the recommended books has actually come back in erm you may find that you 've got to be a bit flexible about that because , you know , if a topic 's dealt with in November you may not get a chance to see the book until you know kind of , I do n't know , February or something , you know I mean so it , it sometimes does mean you 've got to do the reading like a bit displaced from the from the classes
6 She told them everything , right up to the fact that two of the notorious Felton brothers had actually brought her home to this very street , only to find there was no home to go to .
7 The fact that this button also felt particularly woolly meant that ‘ non-save paranoia ’ set in , and a couple of times I had to exit the program then return to see if my settings had actually been stored .
8 Since 1979 , 196 primary schools and seven secondary schools have actually closed .
9 I think we 've settled down to a pattern of events now which schools have actually indicated to us is what they want to see .
10 In Norway , a re-survey of 1,000 lakes studied in the 1970s showed that many lakes have actually lost more of their neutralising capacity in recent years , although sulphate levels are falling .
11 We we should discuss a bit about this document and I too have had the er dubious honour of reading John Major 's speech and it 's nice to see that both Tory speakers have actually managed to take half of it each and paraphrase it .
12 Hardenberger also recalls that the BBC PO 's York performance of Endless Parade — a work so difficult in its string scoring that two or three other orchestras have actually refused to play it with him — is the best he has taken part in so far .
13 Many mums who have apparently short labours have actually been gently dilating for a few days without realising it and without having any of the other traditional ‘ signs ’ of labour : a ‘ show ’ as the plug to the cervix is expelled , waters breaking or the first contractions .
14 They believe sales of their books have actually gained from the existence of the electronic counterparts .
15 Since 1961 the proportion of the population living in rural areas has actually undergone a small increase and , if anything , a more frequently voiced problem is one of how to preserve the countryside against increasing population pressure .
16 Other initiatives have sprung up , such as ‘ The Society of Women and Men in Travel ’ at a time when the number of women directors of PLC companies has actually decreased .
17 They pointed out that Lome III had not stimulated trade between the EC and the ACP countries ( since 1985 trade in both directions had actually fallen in both absolute and relative terms ) , or lessened the ACP countries ' economic dependence on the production of primary commodities , or encouraged industrialization .
18 Even though weekends now unofficially end on Monday night , few of these recently elongated rest periods have actually justified the inclusion of an extra day .
19 I I 'm er ah I like to think that the youngsters have actually got some input into the report , I think it 's important
20 Now , however , it is refusing to confirm that the trials have actually gone ahead , saying only that ‘ It 's taken longer than we anticipated ’ .
21 ‘ Once these countries have actually made substantial investments in a chemical arsenal , what guarantees do we have that they will eventually be willing to throw it away ? ’ asked Elisa Harris , a chemical weapons at the Brookings Institution .
22 The United States adopts a liberal approach and some foreign judges have actually been sworn in as commissioners by American courts , e.g. , German and Italian judges have been allowed to execute the Letters themselves in the United States by examining witnesses in their own language and according to their own procedures .
23 THE MOCK TURTLES have actually got a hit record .
24 Right now only six NHS trusts have actually introduced PRP for nurses , but almost all trusts have made it known they want to introduce the system at some point .
25 That settlement has now come through you 'll see the details in the papers er but we also want to have regard to the fact that the award for the and bridges has actually been reduced substantially by thousand pounds the total reduction in that area approach one point five million pounds .
26 European Community officials have admitted that only around a third of the funds allocated in 1991 and 1992 to help Easter European countries to improve safety at their nuclear power plants has actually been spent .
27 While there is little doubt that reform is the right course , the old sneer about Labour being in the pockets of union barons has actually lost any real justification .
28 The fact that we had a more open policy over those ten years has actually infiltrated into or irrigated the BBC and ITV , but you will still see a great area of editorial heads , or heads of departments , the equivalents of the commissioning editors , the executive heads , where there are very few women .
29 On the other hand , the middle classes would have been shocked and appalled if the workers had actually asked for the sort of life they themselves took for granted , and even more if they had looked like achieving it .
30 Eleven tricks made for a very good score , as several other declarers had actually contrived to go off in the same contract .
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