Example sentences of "[noun pl] be less " in BNC.

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1 Are they saying that housewives are less able to understand and resist the dangers than other workers , or that all oppressed workers should renounce pay as the way to liberation ?
2 Other reasons are less obvious , for firms have not merely reacted to change in their external environments ; many have actively sought to create new , internal sources of advantage .
3 But it can be seen that , while occupational and income motives are dominant in the Welsh borderland , employment reasons are less important in the Herefordshire survey .
4 But be warned : trade flows are less and less useful as indicators of economic performance
5 I would argue that they are as charismatic as chefs and yet their skills are less tangible and harder to gauge .
6 Boxers are less susceptible because many schools do not include the sport in their curricula and , as a consequence , many kids either start independently of school or get involved shortly after leaving school .
7 The price policies are less sensitive to the inclusion of scale economies ; with the EC minimum import price , welfare is reduced an additional 0.08% , while with the optimal tariff , welfare is increased by an extra 0.24% .
8 The figures on international operations are less impressively global on closer examination : GE 's international revenues of $15.4 billion in 1990 turn out to include $6 billion of direct exports from the United States .
9 Yet these movements undoubtedly have had a profound influence on Western political culture , especially in Germany and southern Europe where cold war attitudes are less deeply embedded and political processes have been more decentralised .
10 The influence of these factors on British animal preferences are less obvious — despite a certain amount of overlap between the British and world lists — perhaps because the range of possible choices is far more limited .
11 EMPLOYERS are less pessimistic about job prospects in the coming months , according to a new survey today .
12 It seems clear that , because they probably do not have as much of their total assets dependent upon the fortunes of a specific firm , the firm 's shareholders are less risk-averse than the manager .
13 There will , though , always be some incentive for managers to increase share price , since a more expensive company is harder to swallow and satisfied shareholders are less likely to sell .
14 The domestic duties of women who work part-time are very similar to those who are not in paid employment and in both cases are less likely to be shared by both partners .
15 There is a very natural tendency for languages to make finer distinctions in phenomena which are important to their own culture than other languages to whose culture these phenomena are less important .
16 Thus the British courts are less amenable to the study techniques applied in the United States .
17 The range can be seen to be surprisingly restricted , however , with the emphasis on basic services ( especially metalworking ) at most sites ; more specialized activities are less well represented .
18 The tax and social security authorities are less likely to consider that the motive for doing so is avoidance .
19 Ministers are fond of criticising local government because many local authorities are less than 100 per cent .
20 In this sense , the dictionary and its definitions are less suited to the recognition of domains that are more abstract or esoteric .
21 For atoms other than hydrogen , the relative changes in mass on isotopic substitution are small , and frequency shifts are less dramatic .
22 In practice , opponents are less likely to double your rescue contract , and you may wriggle out of trouble .
23 And although that may mean that stars with planets are less likely to be found in places other than co-rotation orbits , the corollary would be that they are likely to be found within such orbits .
24 And signifiers ( figures ) which resemble referents are less fully differentiated from them than signifiers ( words , discourse ) which do not .
25 As the poem progresses , we might assume that contextual or latent discourse referents are less likely to be introduced , for we read and interpret in the light of what has gone before — of previous elements in the utterance .
26 Perhaps the most familiar example of back projection , and one in which minor imperfections are less noticeable , is the view behind , or beside or in front of , the driver and passengers in a car , or , more infrequently , bus or train .
27 these forms are less common than the B strain in the UK , but have been the cause of epidemics in other areas such as Sub-Saharan Africa .
28 Retailers hiring staff to meet summer peaks are less likely to use simple fixed-term contracts .
29 Marked clinical signs are less common in older animals , although general performance may be impaired .
30 The stud fastenings are less fiddly than buttons and coloured to co-ordinate with the shirt .
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