Example sentences of "[noun pl] [is] perhaps " in BNC.

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1 The very high turnover of caregivers in institutional settings is perhaps the major way in which they differ from ordinary family life .
2 A change related to the smaller number of candidates is perhaps the increase over 1973 in the number of candidates who were elected with a quota at Stage I , 25 against 17 .
3 This toolbox of useful utilities is perhaps the best disk utility software around .
4 The concentration of neurons in ganglia is perhaps the first step towards building a brain , but even the appearance of a large head ganglion does not ensure that brains of the sort that humans and other mammals possess are the only design solution that can result .
5 Now for a motor car I think you can say that the practical desirabilities of a car , and the acceleration and performance and looks are very important , one could also say that the fact that many people have their cars bought for me by the firm they work for means that they will therefore buy a larger car than they would if it was their own money that they were spending , so the market for cars is perhaps not one which is determined by energy efficiency or even optimum efficiency in terms of people 's and prestige is coming into it as much as these other factors and it is determined by who pays the money .
6 In practice the length of a statute of limitations is perhaps less significant than the content of the duty of diligence imposed upon purchasers of works of art .
7 O. ostertagi is perhaps the most common cause of parasitic gastritis in cattle .
8 Therefore , the designation of specially protected areas is perhaps quite effective as a deterrent .
9 The catalogue of such errors is perhaps the most serious charge against this book .
10 The ideological bankruptcy of the Communists is perhaps most graphically conveyed by quotation of a comment by Soviet Latin Americanist Anatoli Shul'govskii to the effect that in 1945 the Mexican Communist party had a ‘ Marxist ’ ideology comparable to the ‘ legal Marxism ’ of tsarist Russia ( Löwy : 1982 , p. 37 ) .
11 The development of organised diplomatic archives and of foreign office libraries is perhaps best seen in Britain .
12 The simplest answer to these questions is perhaps an empirical one — to compare the measurements obtained with a profile obtained from corresponding destructive measurements using a leaf area machine .
13 However , a realisation of the required changes is perhaps the biggest hurdle to overcome particularly when faced with the considerable barrage of recent legislation and the tight time-scale in which it has had to be implemented .
14 A third reason for experimental studies of mechanical properties is perhaps the most important to the materials scientist concerned with the nature of matter .
15 To use environmental analysis as a special intelligence source for top managers is perhaps the single most common reason why it ceases to have any effect on decisions … .
16 The argument on objectives is perhaps particularly noteworthy .
17 Drachenfels is perhaps the most famous Human — legend says he was once Human — monster in the history of The Empire and the Western Lands of the Warhammer world .
18 It is difficult to disagree with him for the conjunction of computers and communications is perhaps the most important aspect of information technology .
19 The clean , crisp air of mountainous regions is perhaps the most beneficial of all .
20 The action around the fretboard 's upper regions is perhaps tougher than some would like , but there 's enough height at the bridge-saddle to bring it down a fair way .
21 This crux section of Cool for Cats is perhaps just 5b , but is sufficiently close to 5a for the grade to warrant ‘ bone of contention ’ status .
22 Here , there is less possibility of philosophical variation , but this second characterization of the nature of the causal items is perhaps as important as the first .
23 Stratification in the socialist states takes the form of ‘ an organizational society whose complexity of horizontal and vertical divisions is perhaps comparable to a large-scale company with its many branches , divisions , chains of command , departments , occupational categories , functional units and various interests , all of which intersect formal boundaries .
24 Lies is perhaps more accurate .
25 And the clink of teacups is perhaps heard less than the sizzling of barbecue sausages .
26 The shift in age distribution from a median age at 55 years in the 1977–81 users to 63 years in the 1989–90 users is perhaps the most impostant finding of the present study .
27 The mine was opened in 1864 and closed in 1882 , by which time the company had mined almost £40,000-worth of ore , which at today 's prices is perhaps the equivalent of £16 million .
28 The dynamism and distinctiveness of the new private educational system with its unprecedented cult of games is perhaps the best-known aspect of the social history of sport .
29 Current interpretations of partnership are surely running the risk of taking into account only the immediate when the advantage and purpose of partnerships is perhaps to do with something much more long term .
30 The persistence of elections is perhaps odd .
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