Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] became " in BNC.

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1 In the North , in the Democratic Republic , the army shed all guerrilla characteristics and became a professional force .
2 They are fleetingly referred to in ancient Assyrian and Babylonian stelae and became popular as servants — and as passive sexual playthings — in the degenerate days of the later Roman Empire .
3 During that first year in Fontanellato I was obliged to join the most junior of the Fascist organizations and became a Piccola Italiana , a little Italian .
4 The youngest of the family , John , was quite unlike his brothers and became a Spanish Merchant .
5 Halfway across , as the Channel became La Manche , language reassembled itself , rose from the waves and became French .
6 One pellet lodged between his eyes and became a permanent dimple .
7 Geelong forward Gary Ablett led his team with a record-breaking nine goals and became only the second person to win the most valuable player award while playing on a losing side .
8 In the process the NCB exhausted its reserves and became technically insolvent .
9 His red , lumpy features were transfigured and he stopped being a badly assembled mass of fleshy fragments and became instead a vital man .
10 Charles acquired a magnificent collection of pictures and became a patron of Rubens and van Dyck as well as of Inigo Jones , who was commissioned not only to build palaces but to write and produce masques at Court .
11 To them I was just another recruit , and if I did well , got myself through the first six months and became a legionnaire , then I would matter to them because I would be part of their system .
12 Their friendship developed soon afterwards , to the point that they shared each other 's homes and became very close chums .
13 The celebration of the martyr 's anniversary had grown out of the commemoration of the departed dead ; but it soon outgrew the limits of its origins and became far more than the expression of that larger family solidarity which embraced heaven and earth .
14 Although many of the yeniçeri forgot all about their origins and became fanatical Muslims , behaving oppressively to their former compatriots when they were posted back into the Balkans , others , like Sokolović , kept in contact with their people and tried to help them .
15 His place of birth , Montona near Trieste , was one day just handed over to the Communists and became a part of Yugoslavia .
16 They had rudimentary spinal columns and became the forerunners of fish .
17 In establishing their own style , the younger brothers of the mods adopted certain elements of the mod style , combined them with items from traditional working clothes , borrowed some influences from the West Indian blacks and became skinheads .
18 Yanto waited another five minutes and became aware of the ever increasing wind as it began to flap his collar .
19 It was at university under the tutelage of Maurice Cowling and others that he changed his political views and became a believer in Friedmanite economics .
20 What had apparently happened was that , faced with persecution , the committed witches had formed themselves into small clandestine groups and became separated from each other .
21 Say she enticed him into the woods and became demanding in every way and heavily emotional , piling on pressure .
22 It was not itself a centre of manufacturing , but it outstripped all other ports as a point of transit for English exports and became thereby a major entrepot of international trade .
23 Dorking County Grammar , a mixed provincial grammar school of around 600 pupils , moved with the times and became the Ashcombe School , a mixed comprehensive of 1,000 pupils .
24 Rounding of broken ends was produced within 60 hours and became pronounced after 192 hours .
25 The Royal Commission 's proposals for the conurbations survived the Conservative government 's different attitude towards unitary local authorities and became part of an overall two-tier system .
26 The indicated remedy appeared to be spigelia , but when she was given this she developed palpitations and became quite anxious .
27 It sold 2000 copies in 10 days and became fourth in the list of Victorian best-sellers , beaten only by The Bible , Robinson Crusoe and The Pilgrim 's Progress .
28 The fairs could last for up to forty-nine days and became a meeting place for merchants from Spain , Italy , England , the Low Countries and other parts of France .
29 This view seems a little extreme and in Asfar v. Blundell ( 1896 C.A. ) it was held that dates , which were under water for two days and became impregnated with sewage , had perished — i.e. in a commercial sense .
30 He held the job for five years and became heavily involved in building Esso 's Milford Haven refinery and the new Irish refinery .
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