Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] round " in BNC.

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1 Three shifts right round the clock .
2 To avoid both this and the possibility of being forced into national level negotiation with Wilson , the Federation Council at a meeting held on 29 November 1912 , resolved " that the state of the shipping trade warrants a substantial increase in the wages of seamen all round the coast from January 1st. next , and that meetings of the district committees to give effect to this resolution be held forthwith " .
3 A large travelling version of the exhibition was later prepared by SAVE , and shown in major museums and galleries all round the country over a period of three years .
4 Raleigh International 's current expedition in Namibia has young volunteers , aged between and 25 , working on eight projects all round the country .
5 So what we have done is we have started something called Sailathon which is a word that Bugs made up erm and what it is is it 's , it 's an attempt to get yacht clubs , sailing clubs all round the country to do something themselves for the Sea Mission Foundation .
6 We have been delighted but not surprised to find so many deserving cases all round the country and now we take a look at ‘ The Wool Shop ’ of Middle Street , Yeovil .
7 Er er you deal with cases all round the York area .
8 Cos you have to have it so the gas so high , it must be really boiling hot and you just stir fry the vegetables all round this
9 And the flames all round the pontoon .
10 With a long , theatrical sigh , he linked his fingers together round her waist .
11 As far as Penthouse is concerned she 's got enough on board to drive the Brummie bulls all round the Bull Ring . ’
12 We got our heads right round it , whereas before , like , half the time we was n't even bothered what was recorded or how it was done , it was always bang , get a groove , put it down and see what we can do with it later . ’
13 What saves computing from being as big a social embarrassment as accountancy , tax inspecting and supporting Manchester United is the fact that it 's possible to make contact with other Leeds fans at home and abroad by means of the vast electronic networks which interconnect thousands of computers right round the world .
14 Chief Supt John Nesbit of South Yorkshire police , in charge of the operation , said : ‘ This April afternoon has produced winners all round the fans , British football , Hillsborough stadium and the South Yorkshire police .
15 Do nt worry , you often get Leeds supporters all round the ground …
16 Do nt worry , you often get Leeds supporters all round the ground …
17 It is in the shops all round the world within two weeks of being recorded in Detroit and re-mixed in LA .
18 and they put it in the sinks and baths all round the hall
19 There were frogs all round us , bubbling away , and we sat still for a bit and then he said , ‘ That 's the sound of Africa — it 's one of the things I love best ’ , and I knew he had n't been thinking about the baby or about me .
20 But then , as if Waimea had prematurely taken its gloves off , the waves all round him eased and he took advantage of the lull to belt the last thirty yards to the beach .
21 She could n't hide the deprecation in her voice as she straightened up and scanned her eyes scornfully round the little room .
22 With Kallicharran , who made 97 , he put on 303 for the third wicket , with some wonderful strokes all round the wicket that culminated in 36 runs off his last 13 balls before holing out on the boundary .
23 All the mountains all round it .
24 Best added : ‘ Ben is making noises all round New Zealand and the back-row men are the kings down here . ’
25 With the reel screaming in protest and the fish performing acrobatics all round the pool I prayed the hook would hold .
26 Well , the er power stations all round the , Northern Europe are affecting it , as far as Norway and Sweden are concerned , er much of the pollution comes from Eastern Europe er and erm something like ten to twenty per cent comes from the U K as far as Norway is concerned , and five to ten per cent in Sweden .
27 Well no not really because erm it , it was a private company as you can understand er , I can I ca n't really explain it everyone seemed to be pulling together you know that was the last thing you thought of , fifth columnists , things like that although it was they used to er , every now and again they used to send government national service officers round to look at the personnel and the structure of the working and if they thought anybody was superfluous to requirements they 'd get the papers soon after to go into the army or the services yeah , yeah , that is true and that happened , used to happen in factories all round the area , it was called the Essential Works Order .
28 There 're going to be empty bedsits all round the country as the Weddoes embark on yet another tour .
29 There 're going to be empty bedsits all round the country as the Weddoes embark on yet another tour .
30 Mr Richardson said : ‘ He caused havoc at universities all round the world , so the computer systems were inaccessible to anyone but him .
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