Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] side " in BNC.

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1 It removes the need for surgical exploration and the risks of side effects .
2 The tummy toner , for example , raises and lowers the bottom half of the body , and the waist trimmer swings the legs from side to side .
3 They have taken great pains to eliminate explanations based on freak signals from side walls , or from inanimate objects ( although we can not entirely discount such hypotheses until we have specifically investigated them ) .
4 She slumps , exhausted , moving only her eyes from side to side as she follows our next exchange .
5 Most had ignored him , some had ruffled and flown in their cages from side to side , clashing their great talons on the bars to intimidate him .
6 As they crawl , they wave their heads from side to side .
7 Norris ' ideas seem highly plausible and if this amazing and beautiful process is a correct understanding of part of the physical aspects of the dolphin 's 3-D sonar system , it also explains why they move their heads from side to side while they are emitting their characteristic echo-locating clicks — they are simply scanning their targets for angular , 3-D information .
8 The others were all shaking their heads from side to side .
9 She stood poised for a moment , stretched her mouth wide , licked her lips , moved her shoulders from side to side , then let her body sway , waited for the chorus to finish and the verse to start and she went on .
10 Jaw locking , with the pair head to head , holding each other 's mouth and swinging their tails from side to side , all forms part of the overall pre-spawning display ritual .
11 Move your knees from side to side and feel the pull in your waist .
12 ‘ Build ’ is a strange , maverick record , assembled around a suite of songs on Side One , with the title track thrown in twice for good measure .
13 It stores still pictures in a way that is very economical of space and can store about 54,000 still pictures per side ( depending on the system ) .
14 Some , such as jazz guitarist Larry Coryell 's 1971 album Barefoot Boy , on the defunct Flying Dutchman label , probably sold around six copies on vinyl ( mainly thanks to side one , where someone had irresponsibly convinced Coryell he could be the new Jimi Hendrix ) ; a CD re-issue is out of the question .
15 I says well I actually put a couple of bricks at side
16 4 How many square wooden blocks of side 60cm will be 30 cm needed to cover a floor 1 2m long and 1 0.8m wide ?
17 If you tend to be inaccurate off the tee , remember that a tailwind usually reduces the effects of side spin on the ball so here 's your opportunity for the long drive .
18 Popular styles include pristine trainers bought especially for the trip , squashy leather K shoes with side zips , and the trusty Jesus sandal .
19 The sun was low in the sky now , shimmering the mud flats in a golden glow — and there were the graceful avocets , sweeping long curved bills from side to side through the fine silt , scooping up their favourite opossum shrimps and rag worms : a marvellous sight .
20 The problem with clause 17.1 is that it could prevent the parties from agreeing supplemental matters in side letters exchanged at the same time as the agreement .
21 For instance , they gave us just two power lines per side on a huge concert stage , and just one spotlight , and that was all the lights they gave us , and they gave us half the PA .
22 Blocks on side make ledge for media support tray
23 You know really screaming and getting raged really resentful and then , you know , back knows ultimately you 're wanting parents to side with us .
24 Gold shoots generally occur at the intersections of side lodes , where greenstone and shale form the wall rocks and at braided structures with enclosed lenses of shale .
25 Now the path ran through heather high above the burn , past circular sheepfolds long disused and over the stony beds of side streams where the grass hung smooth and inviting , concealing ankle-breaking drops .
26 The stations of the presidency cities were all head stations , termini befitting their status as ports and capitals , but those of the provincial cities were generally through stations with side buildings .
27 The front is even more striking — white with very strong black bands from side to side , becoming larger and thicker the further down the body they are .
28 The grimy blots grew closer and bigger , sudden thunderclaps made visible , and hurled the little planes from side to side .
29 Thirdly , continuity can be given to the walking route by continuing footways across side roads , a measure which also slows down turning traffic .
30 The best method is to lay the normal foundations with side edging standing about 50 to 75mm above the proposed level of the gravel .
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