Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] land " in BNC.

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1 Thus , together , they demonstrate clearly some of the tensions within modern views about land and society .
2 In his Aug. 24 speech Mugabe also revealed plans for land reform , another policy area requiring constitutional change .
3 Its own study identifies threats from 50 plans for land reclamation and 78 proposals for new marinas .
4 The application of regional geochemical maps for land use planning was demonstrated as they indicate areas characterised by major and trace element excesses and deficiencies that may be of importance to the health of crops , animals and directly to humans .
5 The second covers development control , the main tool by which strategies are implemented and through which , a planning authority essentially reacts to proposals for land use put forward by potential developers .
6 Not all proposals for land colonies embodied this rather idyllic hope of regenerating the long dead English peasantry from the bones of the urban residuum .
7 Erm as the scale of the problem became clear however the Party was forced to react and in a series of directives between February and May nineteen forty eight the leadership established more moderate ground rules for land reform .
8 In the years which followed Lowther increased the family estates through land purchase , and invested heavily in developing collieries in west Cumberland .
9 The trend towards non-legislative constraints of guidelines for land application of sewage sludge was commented on in the Report of the Sub-Committee on the Economics of Sewage Sludge Disposal which surveys legislative and other constraints affecting sewage sludge disposal .
10 Grant sweeps around at full speed and heads for land .
11 The approach was reactive and piecemeal , with little appreciation of traffic now as a system or of the relationships between land use and traffic generation .
12 But the chief function of the feudal court was the regulation of disputes about land .
13 I sit in my room by candlelight , the distant black silhouettes of land through the window strangely calming .
14 The ability of modern technology to cope with the problem of soil erosion is summarised thus : ‘ Growing populations may in part have destroyed more land than they improved , but it makes little sense to project past trends into the future , since we know more and more about methods of land preservation and are able by means of modern methods , to reclaim much land , which our ancestors have made sterile . ’
15 Therefore , virtually all methods of land evaluation have limited themselves to the physical factors of climate , relief and soil .
16 These types of criticisms can , however , be extended to most methods of land classification and evaluation , and so Flaherty and Smit ( 1982 ) have proposed a broader-based system in which other parameters valuation , and so Flaherty and Smit ( 1982 ) have proposed a broader-based system in which other parameters including housing , recreation and conservation are included .
17 Church archives and traditions recorded and remembered losses of lands , as is hardly surprising : William 's claim that his evidence on Malmesbury came from documents in English is entirely credible .
18 We drifted for an hour while Bob and his men replaced some leading injector pipes until the sudden welcome roar of our trusty Paxmans sent us southward again , across St. Magnus Bay and outside Papa Stour , finally leaving the straggling tentacles of land and long voes of West Shetland to reach Scalloway as darkness fell .
19 Like the rest of the water-borne world , they can see parts of the spectrum invisible to the eyes of land creatures .
20 South and west of the Canaries , the Atlantic extends emptily for thousands of kilometres , broken only by the Cape Verde Islands ( also volcanic ) and two tiny specks of land , St Peter and St Paul 's Rocks , which are not strictly volcanic , oddly enough , but are composed of material that must have been derived from much deeper levels in the Earth than most volcanic rocks .
21 We will need , therefore , to define estate arrangements and the units of land within them .
22 In many cases , what we see defined within these boundaries are units of land with a variety of land uses for the support of one or more settlements .
23 Both government and landlords continued to uphold the village commune as a convenient instrument for apportioning tax , labour dues , and , in many areas , allotments of land .
24 Most enclosure awards , if not all , expressly stipulated that those who received allotments of land under the award were to fence these allotments within twelve months .
25 The cossacks were given allotments of land and farmed there as the wooden fortifications gradually rotted away .
26 Only Athenian citizens could profit by allotments of land as ‘ cleruchs ’ ( literally , ‘ allotment-holders ’ ) and it may be more than chance that the qualifications for Athenian citizenship are more closely defined at just this moment ( 451 ) : citizen descent was now required on both sides ( Ath .
27 Hughie Smith , president of the National Gypsy Council , a body set up to fight for the rights of gypsies , said : ‘ The point is that York does have hundreds of acres of land .
28 Over 3700 acres of land each year are left available for other uses following excavation work by industry .
29 The situation in the Kikuyu areas of Kenya had become particularly acute by the 1950s as a result of the re-allocation from 1910 onwards of over 7 million acres of land to private European settlers .
30 With a bank loan , Belinda bought 5½ acres of land bordering Avon and Gloucestershire and planted it with beech , lime , oak and ash trees .
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