Example sentences of "[noun pl] [unc] attitude " in BNC.

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1 The two cases also show that change is a possibility , but that it has mainly been in the past through change in the hierarchy 's and clergy 's attitudes as well .
2 But it remains essential that I know their candidates ' attitudes before deciding .
3 Clients ' attitudes may also have a bearing on which alternative is chosen .
4 The same case could , of course , have been made about listeners ' attitudes to the number and length of speeches to which they were now to be subjected .
5 Their main objective is to study the effect of prescriptive ideologies on listeners ' attitudes to the alternating variants .
6 What is not recorded is the tom-cats ' attitude to this helpful form of health care .
7 A small survey of drinkers ' attitudes ( see box , below ) showed that people thought reduced alcohol products were massively overpriced and an irrelevant halfway house ( ‘ I either drink or I do n't ’ was a typical comment ) .
8 As discussions ensue , I am frequently surprised by the rigidity of my enquirers ' attitudes .
9 Mike Abrahams , chief enforcement officer at Lautro and the man most involved in regulating tied agents , is dismayed by life companies ' attitudes .
10 Skerne Park residents who were delighted when the traffic-slowing plans were approved are now worried by the bus companies ' attitude and are accusing them of putting profit before public service .
11 Asian parents ' attitudes to their daughter 's education vary tremendously with their religion , background in Pakistan or India , and , of course , with the people involved .
12 This is how Meena , a Gujerati Hindu girl whose family come from Bombay , described her parents ' attitudes :
13 Pamela said she had not done much thinking about her parents ' attitudes .
14 This included deciding between day care or school , and parents ' attitudes to different options .
15 ( Root , 1983 ) Root 's book describes how parents ' attitudes , initially influenced mainly by their own memories of school learning ( for example , insistence on repetition of a book till learned , over-emphasis on word accuracy ) , changed radically .
16 Based on extensive research , it concluded that parents ' attitudes to education were of supreme importance in influencing children 's educational success — more so than the parents ' educational or occupational status , than material circumstances at home , and than schools themselves .
17 The parents ' attitude in this case was understandable .
18 Elsie Stringer thought the analogy unfortunate , but typical of her parents ' attitude towards the school .
19 They are also concerned with the parents ' attitude to the school and the teachers , their ideas about the causes of educational achievement , and their contacts with the school .
20 A factor for some of us in so doing was the fact that we have been saddened and sickened at the supermarkets ' attitudes in exploiting the European difficulty .
21 However , a rigid class system still prevails throughout the country and the Indians ' attitude towards local labour was often a source of embarrassment to the British contingent .
22 But the miners ' attitude was frightening .
23 It might attract visitors , but the study indicated that visitors ' attitudes towards such ostentation were that it would be reflected in the price of the products .
24 The first is a perceptible change in judges ' attitudes to judicial review .
25 The differences between Blacks and Whites were fewer than have been found in other surveys , though Blacks ' attitudes tended to be less favourable .
26 The Cheltenham & Gloucester 's approach is typical of the big lenders ' attitude to budget schemes .
27 Some industrial consumers regretted that the Boards ' attitudes to tariffs were much more rigid than that of their predecessors ( who had been more willing to negotiate special rates ) .
28 Some things he longed to talk about — he agonized over the Christians ' attitude to nuclear bombs and it grieved him that Fisher did not agonize .
29 The rebels ' attitude to the King is striking .
30 Sir , It is a sad reflection on the high street banks ' attitude to their customers that I had to rely on FARMERS WEEKLY for financial information vital to the overall profitability of my farming business .
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