Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] involved " in BNC.

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1 The husband 's brothers became involved in enterprises with him , and their business expanded into other hotels and properties .
2 Turning the clock back to the point immediately before computers got involved in the publishing business there were only two real technologies at work ; hot metal and cold metal .
3 Some of his fans became involved in fighting and Bulloch had to return to the ring to appeal to them to stop .
4 It remains possible , however , that these abnormalities are simply a consequence of small vessels becoming involved in the chronic inflammatory process .
5 ‘ However , the Thais have shown they are really cracking down on foreigners becoming involved in heroin . ’
6 However , as more libraries in more educational sectors become involved in user education , this becomes less manageable .
7 Coun. Bill Stenson called for more schools to get involved in cycling proficiency and road safety schemes , and Mr Hillcoat said that road safety officers from the county were involved in helping teachers run the schemes .
8 ONE of the joys of being responsible for a column like this is that the search for news creates opportunities to become involved in developments which are normally outside the availability of most enthusiasts .
9 But just as a thought for you since the school 's are involved and since children are involved in a number of these things perhaps it has been tried I do n't know erm you might actually be able to get a more regular input not only from the children and their but also from their par ents by perhaps involving or asking the schools to become involved in the production of the programme .
10 It is quite possible for parties to become involved in a dispute about something , such as the value of premises or goods , which they agree to submit for appraisal without intending that an arbitration should follow .
11 After political independence , however , many Latin American countries became involved in conservative-liberal struggles , forcing the church to make a choice between the elite groups .
12 It would be too much to hope that , once ordinary people became governors and once ordinary parents became involved in what ( and why ) a school chooses to do , then the process of improvement and development would look after itself .
13 The chapter sets the tenor for the whole work in so far as it tries to examine the social conditions under which blacks became involved in sport , first in the USA and then in Great Britain .
14 The errors found involved reporting abstracts and correspondence as full papers ; co-authorship represented as sole authorship ; papers only tenuously ‘ in press ’ reported as having been published ; falsification of publication dates so as to appear within the review period ; and totally fabricated references .
15 The errors found involved reporting abstracts and correspondence as full papers ; co-authorship represented as sole authorship ; papers only tenuously ‘ in press ’ reported as having been published ; falsification of publication dates so as to appear within the review period ; and totally fabricated references .
16 Some estimates of the round-trip transactions costs involved in stock index arbitrage are set out in Table 5.1 .
17 In particular , appealing to the transactions costs involved in buying and selling securities is of limited use as transactions costs are fixed costs which if anything rise less than proportionately to the size of the deal .
18 Well in the last 2 days Firmin and Antonio have been getting more and more hostile ( which is n't hard to do given how Charlie and Matt are currently feeling about one another ) and you could really sense the Indians getting involved , following it all from their part of the raft as if their lives depended on it — which in a way they did I suppose because we were arguing about whether they had the right to be baptised and have their souls saved or not .
19 In the Scottish ‘ Code of Practice ’ document it further says : ‘ It is important that parents feel involved in the admission process and , wherever possible , in pre-reception planning .
20 The first concerns the process by which companies become involved in technology trade , the factors which determine their decision between alternative approaches and the place of technology trade in their overall strategy .
21 The range of activities in which parents become involved range from repairing curtains , with little contact with children , to active involvement in the teaching and supervision of children in small group work .
22 When parents become involved in sibling arguments they have to be very careful not make the situation worse rather than better .
23 On one hand , therefore , McElroy is preparing for private companies to take over the reigns of the weather craft ; on the other , he is inviting other countries to become involved in what could be a link only between governments .
24 The official said that the cuts would " bring difficulty to the whole economy " and stated that the government was looking for private foreign companies to become involved in joint ventures in an attempt to reduce the country 's budget deficit .
25 The coach had now reached the estate and Barry Sealey , vice-chairman of Scottish Business in the Community — which aims to stimulate and assist companies to become involved in meeting the needs of communities — pointed out that bleak areas still remained to be tackled .
26 As will be seen , one of the problems for the United Kingdom economy is that , despite government exhortations for companies to become involved in selling overseas , many executives remain apprehensive because of the mystique with which the subject often surrounds itself .
27 Neurologists expressed interest in the psychological consequences of brain damage long before psychologists got involved in this field .
28 Premier John Major has , more than once , rejected the idea of British troops getting involved in the conflict .
29 The study of individual purchase motivations and behaviour may , however , be complicated where a number of individuals become involved in the purchase decision .
30 Issues of concern were : how far should workers get involved in discussions with social fund officers about individual cases ; how actively should workers support individual applications in view of the fact that there is a limited budget and therefore a limit to the number of people who could be helped ; and should bureaux help social fund officers to set priorities between groups of claimants ?
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