Example sentences of "[adj] ever to " in BNC.

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2 He imagined she would always picture herself as a woman too lazy ever to be guilty , with a certain black dash in the late afternoon , and a temperament born two gins below par .
3 While not a fault tolerant machine or likely ever to be one , Dragon has automatic system recovery for fault resilience .
4 But even this overestimates the degree of homogeneity : some Nigerians were rich enough to escape being ‘ black ’ ; some whites were always too poor ever to be ‘ white ’ .
5 The glitter of A-levels in today 's broader , more diverse , degree market is starting to tarnish , and is unlikely ever to be restored to its former glory .
6 Mr Solarz is unlikely ever to be president .
7 If , over the years , the balance of probabilities has shifted so that balances previously included as creditors now seem unlikely ever to be paid , it would be appropriate for the balances in question to be removed from creditors , with the corresponding credit in either profit and loss account or , if the sums are material and the adjustment arises from a fundamental error , the profit and loss reserves in the balance sheet .
8 Among the mass of contradictory claims that have come out of the discovery , Climber has tried to piece together what is known and what is purely speculation in a mystery that is unlikely ever to be solved .
9 It was the one reason why France was unlikely ever to be truly subjugated by mere force of arms .
10 Sun 's very presence in the workstation market , however , means that MIPS is unlikely ever to be number one .
11 The truth , of course , is unlikely ever to be known .
12 She assumed her sister was referring to getting into Cambridge , which she herself considered a poisonous , disreputable fantasy , and one unlikely ever to be fulfilled : the number of girls who had achieved Cambridge places from Battersby Girls ' Grammar in the last ten years could be counted on the fingers of one hand .
13 Mr. Lloyd said that in such a case the discretion to order rectification against a bona fide purchaser , such as the building society in the present case , would be very unlikely ever to be exercised .
14 They pointed out that large numbers of patients , especially among the old , were unlikely ever to be really fit to enter normal community life , and that for many others the community care services were still woefully inadequate .
15 We are unlikely ever to be able to quantify transaction and implementation costs with any certainty .
16 Although this proposition is unlikely ever to be falsified , nevertheless one can not maintain that it can not in principle be false .
17 This means that those underlying factors are unlikely ever to be tackled and people will come to distrust a government that disregards their needs .
18 The purpose was to bring Red Sea capacity to 1.6 million b/d , making 4.9 million in all , ignoring the Syrian line which seems unlikely ever to be reopened .
19 In particular , it has taken a strong line against price fixing ( e.g. dyestuffs , glass containers ) and market sharing or quantity agreements ( e.g. cement ) to the extent that such practices are now unlikely ever to be granted an exemption .
20 In practice , however , these conditions are met on very rare occasions so that one might conclude that spatial differences in economic potential are unlikely ever to be equalised .
21 Just as manual catalogues are not harmonised retrospectively , so electronic versions are unlikely ever to be .
22 It will continue , but the kinds of jobs which are available in Leeds city centre , er in in some ways are unlikely ever to be provided in particularly in rural districts , precisely because Leeds is the regional capital .
23 Radical views like this seem unlikely ever to be accepted by the cardinals who dictate the dominant conservative teaching .
24 A RAILWAY safety inspector acknowledged yesterday that junctions like the one at Newton , near Motherwell , where four people died in a head-on train crash , were unlikely ever to be approved for use again .
25 On the basis that Scottish Amicable was not prepared to take a majority stake or play a more active role in the Bank of Edinburgh 's affairs — which is thought to be what the Bank of England wanted — then this was a circle that was unlikely ever to be squared .
26 In such a situation it is possible for the parent 's self control to snap and in a moment of aberration he may strike the child in a manner that is instantly regretted and most unlikely ever to be repeated . ’
27 Once tried , it was too potent ever to be abandoned for good .
28 That first post-natal subservience , bred of physical dependence , was too ingrained ever to be totally eradicated .
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