Example sentences of "[adj] believe that " in BNC.

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1 The British believed that Washington was underestimating and failing to grasp the nature of their economic problems .
2 The French believed that as smugglers in rowing boats constantly managed to get ashore on the English coast , an invasion fleet , given a favourable southerly wind and a calm , dark night , should be able to do the same , and hoped to use some of these clandestine sailors as pilots .
3 It would be wrong to believe that the body clock develops only in response to a rhythmic environment and the effect upon the sleep/wake and feeding rhythms that this produces .
4 First , he began , and said that Qaddafi did indeed have faults : that was inescapable , all men have faults ; but it was wrong to believe that everything Sadat said about him because Sadat too had faults , and he also had a purpose in saying what he said .
5 As for the Movement , or the Angry Young Men of the 1950s , the intellectual and popular press were not wrong to believe that a new race of novelists ( and others ) had appeared in the first months of the new reign , soon after the death of George VI ; but the name Movement coined by a Spectator journalist in 1954 never seemed likely to fit for long , or Angry Young Men either ; they never met as a group , though they were ( at least for the most part ) acquainted .
6 With Black Fury Warner Bros had just gone a little too far by even referring to strikes and labour problems at a time of mounting industrial tension but the popular and critical reception to the movie showed that the company were not wrong to believe that they had the technical ability and the actors to make films whose reality would be appreciated .
7 Yet it would be wrong to believe that Hamas controls hearts and minds in the strip .
8 Western powers were wrong to believe that tsarist troops in Poland were aimed at the heart of Europe , for they were needed where they were .
9 We would be foolish to believe that nothing good could come out of modernity .
10 Given the inherent uncertainty of moral interpretation in social life , it would be foolish to believe that we could come up with a definition of aggression that would allow us to unambiguously classify , much less measure , instances of aggressive conduct in unfamiliar societies .
11 It would be foolish to believe that any group of people can interact without a political undercurrent .
12 It is popular to believe that managers are responsible for developing their people but closer examination reveals this to be a nonsense .
13 Well , I was n't prepared to believe that my career would be over almost before it had started .
14 Now I am quite prepared to believe that other countries can offer more obviously spectacular scenery .
15 A Friday afternoon class not too prepared to believe that art was the most important thing that they could be doing at that time soon discovered they were wrong .
16 ‘ I was prepared to believe that he was genuinely fond of her , although I do n't think many of the others at the Centre would have agreed with me .
17 Many of those whose professional work involves care for old people are prone to believe that there was once an extended family system in this country whereby successive generations of kin lived together , the younger ones caring lovingly for the oldest .
18 The duke and his close associates saw this small office as ‘ some mean to treat those folks who Club together and are disposed to believe that I 'm incompatible wt them ’ .
19 The chronicler William of Newburgh was disposed to believe that King Sverre of Norway had brought about the destruction of King Magnus 's fleet in 1186 by invoking the Devil .
20 The British believe that they have a genius for constitutional government with a minimum of constitutional laws , and for working majority rule without oppression of minorities .
21 There seemed to be no signs of a squabble , but Clara was herself familiar with silent domestic altercation , and was willing to believe that the charmingly grouped apparent peace of the scene belied its true character .
22 The police , too , had drunk quite a lot of beer by now , and before long they were very willing to believe that Oliver was not the robber of the night before .
23 Whether or not that was the intent of the regulations — and I am willing to believe that it was not the Minister 's intent — that has been the net effect of the way in which the three-week period was cut off due to the way that the regulations were tabled .
24 Greenpeace expedition leader , Paul Horsman , said that he did not blame the Iranians since " misunderstandings were bound to occur " , but that few people seemed willing to believe that Greenpeace was an organization wholly independent of Western governments .
25 As a species , rock journalists are often dedicated free spirits , either too young or just too immature to believe that the normal responsibilities of life — good manners , for instance — might apply to them .
26 Although monitored allocations of the kind suggested above are the only way to ensure that library policy is translated into practice , it would be unrealistic to believe that all authorities manage their budgets in this way .
27 However , given current UK time costs , it is unrealistic to believe that many listeners will hear a given commercial many times .
28 It is unrealistic to believe that warning labels will do anything to reduce alcohol abuse .
29 ‘ did , without having the consent of the owner or other lawful authority ’ Means that this offence is not committed if the accused believed that he had lawful authority to do it or that he would have had the owner 's consent if the owner knew of his doing it and the circumstances of it .
30 The courts have held that if there is no evidence that the accused believed that he was not dishonest by the standards of ordinary people , the judge need not give a direction in Ghosh terms : Roberts ( 1987 ) 84 Cr App R 117 on handling ; Price ( 1989 ) 90 Cr App R 409 on deception ; and Squire [ 1990 ] Crim LR 341 on conspiracy to defraud .
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