Example sentences of "[adj] run of " in BNC.

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1 Fortunately I play Re:Joyce on Sunday , start a documentary on Wednesday and begin a six-month run of a play in a fortnight .
2 Congratulating themselves , and the Jafaars , on a six-month run of unparalleled success , DEA Nicosia greeted 1988 in a mood of cavalier optimism .
3 Their problem is a horrendous run of injuries .
4 Even Mickey Rourke , after an abysmal run of roles , makes a respectable ‘ comeback ’ as a charismatic arms dealer .
5 A clear run of four hundred yards was obtained after a few holes had been filled in .
6 He 's allowed the free run of the house .
7 That would give the electricity supply industry the free run of the distribution network , while consumers could signal in any way they liked on their own mains wiring without bothering anyone .
8 For a week , producer Robert Kemp had free run of the camp , interviewing whoever he chose for as long as he chose .
9 On the other hand , if no digging out and filling in is done first time , the remaining rabbits retain a free run of the entire system and are much more difficult to corner .
10 When interviewed , Clive Howard said he went every morning to feed the animals , particularly the cats , who were given a free run of the house .
11 It is not advisable to give the dog free run of the car , however , simply because it could damage the interior , by scratching the upholstery , for example , if it wants to come out at first light before you are awake .
12 What 's the use of keeping you here if you let anyone who chooses have a free run of the place ? ’
13 Here , though , was a mature artist , in her late fifties , who had been dubbed their first Associate Artist and one who was to be given a free run of the Gallery 's Permanent Collection to make transcriptions from the work of the Old Masters .
14 Darchem 's reduced figures also contributed to the ending of William Baird 's 11-year run of increased profits .
15 Earlier , while Faldo prospered with a blistering outward run of 32 , it was all Tryall and error for crumbling Couples .
16 Hitler 's extraordinary popular standing , built up in the peacetime years on the foundations of his perceived personal achievement in overcoming economic and political crisis , ridding Germany of unemployment , and making the nation great again through an astonishing series of diplomatic coups , was maintained in the first phase of the war ; it was then even further elevated through the scarcely conceivable run of military victories attained with minimal loss and sacrifice and , not least , through the prospect he continued to hold up of an imminent glorious end to the war .
17 The Israeli striker , destroyer of Queens Park Rangers on Monday , is hoping the Anfield star can provide ammunition for an extended run of scoring glory .
18 United , attepting to regain the leadership of the First Division , begin a demanding run of four games in seven days and Robson , who has played in only two of the last five matches because of a calf problem , is still troubled by the injury .
19 The stalemate enabled the fallen champions to end a nine-match run of away defeats and extended Arsenal 's poor home run .
20 Jam-packed with a complete run of Plebs and sets of the TUC and Labour Party conference reports , it was here that he wrote his book The Labour College Movement .
21 Jam-packed with a complete run of Plebs and sets of the TUC and Labour Party conference reports , it was here that he wrote his book The Labour College Movement .
22 John Wilkes 's North Briton has its own brand of excitements , and a complete run of the Gentleman 's Magazine , from its inception in 1731 , will occupy a good deal of shelf room and , probably , a decade or two of happy searching .
23 The two understudies were asked to come back on the Friday afternoon , when there was going to be a complete run of the play for the producers and Malcolm Harris .
24 It is so far removed , not only from my normal run of experience , but from anything I have ever done that it seems beyond the realms of reality , a fantasy production , a dream come true .
25 The second is that the complexity of many production and commercial processes can make it particularly difficult to weave the coaching role into the normal run of affairs .
26 Because the authors have kept so many different cichlids over the year , the normal run of filters often prove to be unsuitable in a given situation .
27 Neither general practice has a reputation for being outstanding or different from the normal run of practices .
28 Some of the crew puffing after only half an hour or so , which is n't surprising as the only exercise they take in the normal run of things is putting their legs under a table and aiming their snouts at the trough .
29 It seems entirely likely that the giving of a mevleviyet was intended as a means of making possible — both in hierarchical terms and in terms of offering an inducement — the appointment of a scholar more highly qualified , and therefore , perhaps , more to be respected , than the normal run of kasabat kadis .
30 There is at least one instance of an aedile of a pagus , although we might suspect that the praefectus pagi of the Gallic Epotes lies outside the normal run of local government officials , though it must be remembered that magistrates could appoint prefects to act for them in their absence .
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