Example sentences of "[adj] troops from " in BNC.

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1 Before it could be repaired , Protestant English troops from Athlone rushed in and looted the place .
2 If this decoy assault should fail to draw the English troops from the camp at Belmont , he knew the islanders could not match the outsiders ' firepower in open battle .
3 The Maronite leader , General Michel Aoun , wants the withdrawal of all foreign troops from Lebanon , but there is nothing new in such an idea .
4 Or he may try to trade in that idea for something he might think would be almost as valuable , the withdrawal of all foreign troops from Germany .
5 Obviously , Mr Gustafson has not been doing his homework , otherwise he would know that there are 48 UN resolutions calling for the withdrawal of all foreign troops from Cyprus , and the restoration of its territorial integrity and sovereignty .
6 January 26 , Amman , Jordan : Iraqi , Palestinian and Jordanian women protesting the war demand the immediate withdrawal of all foreign troops from Arab soil and an Arab solution to the conflict .
7 In the Joint Commission , which had reached the end of its futile labours , General Shtikov proposed in early October the withdrawal of foreign troops from Korea as a prelude to the various Korean factions agreeing on a provisional government to lead the peninsula to unified independence .
8 In November Pravda still viewed the ASEAN declaration for neutralisation as denoting a ‘ far from easy task ’ since it presupposed an end to US ‘ aggression ’ in Indo-China , to China 's ‘ hegemonistic aspirations ’ and contradictions among Southeast Asian countries , and the removal of foreign military bases and foreign troops from the area .
9 This settlement should entail ‘ an early withdrawal of foreign troops from Kampuchea , the exercise of the fundamental right of the Kampuchean people to self-determination and the emergence of an independent and neutral Kampuchea which poses no threat to her neighbours ’ .
10 In February 1957 Moscow suggested that the Great Powers accept certain principles to cover their behaviour in the Near and Middle East , including the elimination of foreign bases and the withdrawal of foreign troops from the region .
11 The East German Communist Party leader , Gregor Gysi , issued a proposal , " Security 2000 " , which included ( i ) the halving of East and West German troop levels by the end of 1990 ; and ( ii ) the withdrawal of all foreign troops from the two countries by end-1999 .
12 In January 1990 the UN Security Council agreed to extend the mandate for a further two months of the detachment of 40 officers from 10 countries making up the UN Good Offices Mission in Afghanistan and Pakistan ( UNGOMAP ) , created to monitor the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan as well as other aspects of the Geneva Accords of 1988 .
13 Yemen , which held the presidency of the UN Security Council in December [ see pp. 37870-71 ] , had proposed on Dec. 2 , through its UN permanent representative Abdallah Saleh al-Ashtal , that attempts should be made to " clarify the positive consequences " , including the lifting of economic sanctions and the withdrawal of all foreign troops from the Gulf .
14 The CSCE accord called on " participating states concerned to conclude , without delay , appropriate bilateral agreements , including timetables , for the easy , orderly and complete withdrawal of such foreign troops from the territories of the Baltic States " [ see also p. 38926 ] .
15 But his general gist seemed to be close to his lordship 's , concluding with a call for a freezing of German reparation payments and the withdrawal of French troops from the Ruhr region .
16 When Philip of Burgundy abandoned the English alliance and returned to that of France in 1435 , he released French troops from eastern France whose services Charles VII could now employ in the south-west .
17 Above all territory must be effectively occupied or it would fall to the partisans ; this kept French troops from the battlefield .
18 France 's existing army personnel of 285,000 would be cut by 50,000-70,000 men in " five or six years " ; the reduction was partly due to the withdrawal of some 48,000 French troops from Germany .
19 As Nawal El Saadawi points out so clearly in her report from Cairo , it was in fact George Bush 's insistence on the withdrawal of Iraqi troops from Kuwait which destroyed the very basis for negotiations .
20 He has refused all real negotiation at any stage , since negotiations necessarily mean dropping preliminary conditions like the withdrawal of Iraqi troops from Kuwait .
21 They considered George Bush 's insistence on the withdrawal of Iraqi troops from Kuwait as a condition which destroyed the basis for negotiations , as once withdrawal had taken place there would no longer be a conflict to negotiate .
22 While Iraq demanded the unconditional release of all prisoners-of-war ( PoWs ) and their return to their countries of origin on " humanitarian and legal " grounds , Iran insisted that the issue of prisoner exchange could not be separated from territorial questions and called for the simultaneous withdrawal of Iranian and Iraqi troops from each other 's territory with prisoner exchange .
23 In a letter dated Aug. 14 , the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein informed the Iranian President Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani that Iraq had agreed ( i ) " to adopt the 1975 agreement " ( i.e. the Algiers accord , which divided the Shatt al-Arab waterway between Iran and Iraq ] ; ( ii ) to withdraw as of Aug. 17 an estimated 100,000-250,000 Iraqi troops from Iranian territory officially totalling 2,600 sq km ; and ( iii ) to begin the immediate repatriation of an estimated 30,000 Iranian prisoners of war .
24 The PLO leader Yassir Arafat discussed this proposal with King Hussein of Jordan in Amman on Nov. 13 , but the initiative foundered quickly over Iraq 's insistence that the Arab League cancel the resolutions of its Cairo meeting in August [ see p. 37635 ] , requiring immediate withdrawal of Iraqi troops from Kuwait .
25 A total curfew was imposed throughout the territories on Feb. 23 after the expiry of the deadline for the withdrawal of Iraqi troops from Kuwait .
26 Removal of British troops from Northern Ireland or confine them to barracks .
27 British troops from B Company of the Cheshire Regiment returned fire twice after coming under attack in Gorni Vakuf .
28 Sept. 21-26 Vietnam withdraws remaining troops from Cambodia [ see pp. 36881-82 ]
29 On May 8 the USA withdrew its remaining troops from southern Iraq , despite fresh reports that Iraqi Shias continued to face persecution [ see pp. 38081-82 ] .
30 September 1989 Vietnam withdraws the last of its remaining troops from Cambodia [ see pp. 36881-82 ] .
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