Example sentences of "[adj] products from " in BNC.

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1 A new company , Lawes Vacuum , demonstrated a range of vacuum pumps and associated products from Galileo Vacuum , Italy .
2 Nowadays however , we have a vast selection of devices , manufactured from a wide range of materials that assure the fishkeeper of total elimination of fishwaste and associated products from their aquarium or pond .
3 Our ten lucky runners-up will receive two fabulous products from this range — Sorbie 's luxurious Riche Conditioner , and his latest styling product — Hot Shapes .
4 Their low productivity , high levels of ( now-withdrawn ) state subsidy and overmanning meant that they could not compete with agricultural products from West Germany and other EC countries .
5 In the same month a ban on the import of a large range of chemical and agricultural products from the mainland was removed .
6 They provide an effective way of delivering all types of liquid products from hard surface to caustic cleaners .
7 The antislavery body also claimed effective access to government on the aspect of anti-slave trade policy which complemented suppression ; after pressure over some years for the British government to reduce discriminatory duties on commercial products from West Africa originating with information by Roscoe , duties on cotton wool , ginger , coffee and palm oil were lessened .
8 On July 16 Israel and the seven-member European Free Trade Association ( EFTA ) initialled an agreement intended to introduce free trade in industrial and processed farm goods , fish and marine products from Jan. 1 , 1993 ; the accord also included clauses on intellectual property — rights , public procurement , state monopolies and state aid .
9 High-quality dry foods are becoming increasingly more available , including some really top products from Germany , USA and Japan , to add to the excellent range offered by manufacturers in this country .
10 Miracles being thin on the ground these days for most of us , it might be better to look after your skin with reasonably-priced products from well-respected companies who have a reputation to live up to , and good quality control .
11 Sensitive skins need the gentle touch — Moistura fragrance Free products from Cyclax provide the perfect solution .
12 With pie diagrams indicating that the major pop consumers are the staid , over-25s , the development in the ad industry of ‘ psychogeographics ’ ( the science of using pop to home in on specific taste publics — i.e. Springsteen fans are likely to desire different products from Whitney Houston fans ) , and the construction of bands in the studio , pop has never required less urgently a rush of theory from the ‘ left ’ .
13 Thus it might be that the old English case of Woodhouse v Brotherhood 1972 ] ICR 186 would be decided the same way under the Directive , because the facts , as found in that case , were that the transferee employer used the factory and the machines to produce different products from those made by the transferor and sold them in different markets .
14 Such behaviour results from the importance of " league tables " in attracting further primary eurobond business and " relationships " with issuers , the existence of " joint demand " for different products from the same firm — and possibly also joint costs in the production of different services .
15 Third , markets also became increasingly fragmented as rising affluence led to increasing demands for differentiated products from discriminating purchasers .
16 Send for our latest catalogue and price list showing our comprehensive range of profiles and ancillary products from British Steel including : Outer Profiles with matching liners , Curved Eaves and Corners , Flashings , Trims and Rainwater goods .
17 Techniques like antisepsis ( developed by Lister [ 1827–1912 ] around 1865 ) , ‘ pasteurisation ’ or other methods of safeguarding organic products from the intrusions of microbes , and inoculation were at hand , and the arguments and results sufficiently palpable to break down even the entrenched hostility of the medical profession .
18 The firm offers single-source support on all the products , so customers can pick components that best suit their needs , without having to worry about the logistics of supporting products from multifarious vendors .
19 His equipment on board ship and on land enabled British people to enjoy meat , fruits , and other perishable products from countries overseas .
21 System V/4 supports 56 SCSI devices simultaneously including both caching and non-caching IBM SCSI/Busmaster adapters and third-party products from Adaptec and BusLogic .
22 Such a move would be likely to draw consumer boycotts of Icelandic products from anti-whaling nations , and the possibility of economic sanctions under US law .
23 Feeling the pinch , Computone also revealed that it has abandoned four of its add-on products from its flagship Intelliport and distributed cluster control line .
24 While extensive tracts of virgin forest remain from which sawnwood and plywood are derived , there has been a growing trend since the Second World War towards fibre-based products from plantations and second- and third-growth forests .
25 The demand for primary products from Austria-Hungary and western Europe encouraged the change from subsistence agriculture to market-oriented farming , and this was best achieved under the çiftlik system rather than under the medieval timar or prebendary system .
26 South East Asia has been an area of the most dramatic expansion of exports of primary products from the mid-nineteenth century : export expansion was the region 's principal response to Western penetration .
27 Less fuss was created by the no less significant demise of two important products from the Derby Locomotive Works .
28 The skins are waste products from the Scottish smoked salmon industry , making them environmentally friendly .
29 Numerous products from Africa could give British merchants the opportunity to push Dutch carriers out of supplying European markets and provide in Africa resources for the purchase of British manufactures .
30 Visage UV Protection Beauty Fluid and Beauty Cream are two new moisturising products from Nivea which protect skin from the sun 's rays all year round .
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