Example sentences of "[adj] and let " in BNC.

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1 She edged the Fiesta forward , found the road clear and let the clutch in with a jerk .
2 The insecurities remain because they were so entrenched at a very important developmental time when as children they were dependent and let down .
3 Stay calm and let nature take its course .
4 After the banquet an Italian performed a subtle and cunning rope trick , then a troupe of girls danced a vigorous whirling jig which left the faces of the spectators , as well as theirs , red with excitement as they kicked their legs high and let their skirts go up , revealing to all and sundry what lay beneath .
5 Instead , you held your head high and let a glazed look mask your eyes .
6 In a bizarre extension of our theatrical metaphor , Schrödinger moved the scenery with the actors standing still , whilst Heisenberg left the scenery untouched and let the actors move around .
7 ‘ The idea is to keep everything fairly simple and let the young people actually make a useful piece of equipment , e.g. a crystal set .
8 be absolute and let her face recede
9 Eventually the carabiniere got bored and let Eric stay in the lavatory for as long as he wanted .
10 Either treat it as a feature in its own right , with a striking blind or shutters ; give it as much impact as possible and let the view and the light pour in .
11 Prepare a solution of algae control liquid and let the cooled-off rocks steep in it .
12 If those who run and use these schools want something special they should go private and let the parents help support them directly through fees .
13 Some of the commercially available plastic sunflower-seed feeders look as if they have been designed by someone made redundant from the spaceship industry , but they do keep the seed dry and let you see when to refill .
14 He winched in hard and let go the lashings round the rolled bedsheets .
15 Few in a packed , drenched stadium would have bet on either outcome in a first half where England 's attacking approach was skidding and slipping off course while the bigger Boks dug in , drove hard and let the awesome boot of Botha do the rest .
16 Deep breathing is a good method of relaxation and so are the ‘ tense and let go ’ exercises , in which the muscles of various parts of the body in turn — face , shoulders , hands and so on — are deliberately screwed up tight and then released to achieve complete relaxation .
17 You should try not to feel so tense and let things get on top of you .
18 He ate food that cost little and let it be known that he underwent severe penances and fasting .
19 As the Merseysiders struggled to get into the match , Beagrie picked up a short corner on the left and let fly with a tremendous swirling drive that ricocheted into the net off the post .
20 Stay on the left and let it come up close , jumping over its lightning bolts in the process .
21 I find the textual basis for this interpretation very flimsy , in fact there is clear erm erm erm textual evidence for precisely the opposite and let me cite erm one instance Locke is here talking about tacit consent and the purchase of property and erm he says whenever the owner who has given nothing but such a tacit consent to the government will by donation , sale or otherwise quit the said possession , he is at liberty to go and incorporate himself into any other commonwealth or to agree with others to begin a new one in any part of the world they can find free and unpossessed whereas he that has once by actual agreement in any expressed declaration given his consent to be of any commonwealth is perpetually and indispensably obliged to be and remain unalterably a subject to it and can never be again in the liberty of the state of nature .
22 I 'm not going to sit still and let them do that to me .
23 Allen , for instance was rummaging about in the bush where the Friar had hidden his sack ; and yet he might have chosen to sit still and let the sack take care of itself .
24 So he sat still and let her talk , murmuring answers to the few questions she asked him , trying to memorize details that might be important .
25 He chose to sit still and let the Colonel run on .
26 They never stand still and let you mark them , ’ he says .
27 More likely , if the force from Ruthyn seemed to be passing without ill intent , they would merely sit still and let the enemy go .
28 Now sit still and let me see to your arm . ’
29 John Edwards says the horse is a good jumper so he 'll tell Judy to hang on and sit still and let the horse do the hard work .
30 In a tank without undergravels you have a choice ; either sprinkle a thin layer of coral sand over the base , or leave it bare and let algae grow there , making it easier for cleaning .
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