Example sentences of "[adj] [det] weeks " in BNC.

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31 About 1,500 East Germans who managed to reach Bonn 's embassy in Warsaw in the past few weeks have been sent to the West in two special trains .
32 Like , I 'm sure that child 's seen enough policemen in the past few weeks , you do n't know what goes through kids ' minds .
33 You did n't have to be an angry young man to look around the car industry over the past few weeks and despair of ever hearing any good news .
34 Schools , temples and churches have been hit too many times in the past few weeks to be the victims of mistakes .
35 Pressure from the people , and from the French government , has in the past few weeks nudged some neighbouring West African dictatorships the same way .
36 The administration should be the champion of the IFC , not , as during the past few weeks , its worst enemy .
37 So in the past few weeks Mr Yavlinsky , Vladimir Shcherbakov , the Soviet minister in charge of economics , and Yevgeny Primakov , an aide to Mr Gorbachev , have all visited America trying to work out the terms of an aid-for-economic-reform package .
38 Over the past few weeks , he 'd detected a fiendish intelligence in the machine whose sense of humour he empathised with .
39 The sale , to be announced within days , will be the Scottish group 's second deal in the past few weeks .
40 Following the pattern of local elections in France and Germany in the past few weeks , Italians have delivered a vote of no confidence in the parties that have governed since the war , notably the Christian Democrats .
41 Some of the more broadly-based share indices have suffered sharper losses in the past few weeks and analysts believe the Dow could soon match these declines .
42 ONE important women 's issue has gone unnoticed in the past few weeks — the hemline question .
43 All the greatest journalistic intelligences in the business , who had spent the past few weeks travelling around with their ears to the ground , confirmed it .
44 WITH all the generation of hot air in the past few weeks , one might ask what effect this will have on the ozone layer ?
45 Neither can the fact that the bagpipes of the various regimental associations and lobby groups were remarkably silent over the past few weeks .
46 And tragically , in the past few weeks we have seen the US and its Allies carry out over 44,000 sorties over a period of 20 days against the people of Iraq .
47 Over the past few weeks she had come to the conclusion that the person she would most like to share her home was quiet , devoted Jenny .
48 It is the end of October and the water temperature has dropped several degrees in the past few weeks , the minnow shoals are less numerous and the chub are fighting fit .
49 Sorting machines incorporating microprocessors have been ordered in the past few weeks to upgrade rice , coffee and groundnuts .
50 Over the past few weeks , Apple has been courting the press with sneak previews of Lisa on the condition that the participants undertook not to breath a word of what they had seen until the machine was officially announced on 20 January ( simultaneously around the world ) .
51 As I scrubbed away at my remaining teeth I reflected upon the number of obituaries of men in their early sixties which I 'd read in The Times over the course of the past few weeks , and I wondered whether the Great Reaper was running a special line in the age group for some divine , mysterious end , and if so , I thought , I might be next , and then they 'd be sorry .
52 EUROPE has been treated to high comedy for the past few weeks as governments , corporations and journalists have fallen all over each other in a made game of find-the barrels .
53 Over the past few weeks I have been dipping into the annual report — for last year — of the Medical Defence Union , an outfit that deals with legal claims against doctors for alleged incompetence , negligence and other failings .
54 We have made so many friends over the past few weeks .
55 He spent his time putting down on odd scraps of vellum his different thoughts on what he had learnt over the past few weeks .
56 However , in the past few weeks , Carlton is also believed to have invited Bainsfair Sharkey Trott and Ogilvy & Mather to pitch for the account .
57 Reassurance , warmth , sanity after the craziness and sadness of the past few weeks .
58 Over the past few weeks , Kenneth 's every waking moment has been spent poring over his medical books , phoning oncologists , pathologists and an assortment of scientists , asking for explanations and information on the subject of malignant lymphoma .
59 The subject has been discussed at length over the past few weeks on Usenet , the international electronic-mail ‘ noticeboard ’ ( see ‘ Taking Liberties ’ , NSS , 19 July 1991 ) .
60 There 's been no shortage of excuses in the past few weeks for getting thoroughly ratted , for going down to The Lamb , finding a spot in the corner and spending the entire evening doing nothing more intellectually taxing than sinking five pints of Special .
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