Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] elderly " in BNC.

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1 Social welfare payments were increased , as were benefits for the long-term unemployed , supplementary benefits , child benefit and benefits for those caring full-time for elderly relatives .
2 Not only are they moving away , but often they are also moving to a place totally unsuitable for elderly people .
3 It was thought improper for elderly women to wear bright clothes .
4 In Gouda a city-centre network of tactile strips of ribbed paving stones that could be followed by those using a stick proved adequate for elderly and chairbound users , but the blind could not manage without assistance ( Figure 8.6 ) .
5 There is often no provision made , or considered adequate for elderly relatives without causing gross inconvenience to all parties .
6 These speeds are lower than in traditional streets , but they are greater than walking pace and are regarded as still being too high by elderly people and parents of young children .
7 Dennis Cornish looks at ways of making gardening accessible for elderly and disabled people ;
8 The prop-room became crowded with elderly men ; stage-hands and fly-men , none of whom were needed for this particular production but who were there just the same , heating cans of baked beans in a saucepan on the fire .
9 I hope to see some of you at either the Aston Clinton Weekend in April , the Working with Elderly Day in May or on the trip to Coburg , which I am looking forward to very much .
10 Most such acute psychiatric wards are now sited in district general hospitals ; and even though it is not essential for in-patient facilities of this type to be in the same place as other medical specialties , it is often helpful for elderly people , in particular , to be treated where specialist medical advice on physical illness and disability is readily available .
11 Reliable young people who belong to local groups of Community Service Volunteers can often also be very helpful to elderly people who have no one to assist them with gardening , heavy house-cleaning and decorating .
12 Falling over toys that have been left lying around can be fatal for elderly people and very serious for children .
13 Studies have found that of inactivity , obesity and smoking , inactivity is the most damaging to elderly people 's health .
14 The main concentrations of the elderly are therefore outside the metropolitan regions , and are more likely to be located in small towns than in villages or the open countryside — which tends to lack the public transport and range of local services that are important to elderly persons .
15 extra help is available for elderly and disabled persons if they and their partners ( if any ) did not formerly pay rates or rent .
16 The day centre , whose facilities will be available to elderly people in danger of physical or emotional harm , boasts a kitchen , library , shop , laundry , bathrooms , dining rooms , hairdressers , lounge , quiet room , smokers ' room , and orangery .
17 At that time I explained that although the Board 's weekly rate on these homes was low , due to our policy of not charging any element for capital in the rate we calculate , the Department of Social Security made available to elderly people in residential care in the community an allowance in that year of forty pounds and in this present year of fifty five pounds per week below the cost of such care in any of our homes where the cost is already artificially depressed .
18 In both groups , patients were middle aged to elderly , but there is a striking incidence of low grade/mixed grade in men that is not found in the high grade group .
19 However , the experience of living with kin seems to be more common for elderly people of minority ethnic origin .
20 Three of the studies pointed out that this was common in elderly patients , and that this indicated they should receive lower and/or less frequent doses .
21 It 's been extraordinary because it 's really taken off , and it does deal with a lot of issues that are very pertinent to elderly people 's lives . ’
22 That conclusion is supported by contemporary evidence from Qureshi and Simons 's ( 1987 ) study in Sheffield , which clearly indicates that it is rare for elderly people to move in with their children in order to be cared for .
23 In practice , however , it is relatively rare for elderly patients to be admitted with a severe , life threatening asthmatic attack compared with younger patients .
24 ‘ Statistics such as these are worrying for elderly people , ’ said manager Graham Williams , ‘ which is why our scheme is so popular .
25 Age Concern said : ‘ If local authorities ’ precious stock of properties suitable for elderly people begins to be sold off , the consequences for the majority of elderly tenants in ordinary housing could be very serious indeed . ’
26 The housing stock which remains with the local authority tends to be less attractive than what is sold off , and much of it is less suitable for elderly people whose needs are for low-cost , good quality housing with ground-floor access in a safe and secure neighbourhood and close to good social support networks .
27 Third , the Audit Commission recommended that for mentally ill people the NHS should continue as the main authority responsible for care , but the possibility should remain for developing a central budget similar to that proposed for elderly people ; alternatively , the NHS should have the ability to purchase local authority services on a contractual basis .
28 This is especially true of elderly people in mental handicap hospitals who have lived in a closed world all their lives .
29 But suppose now suppose I were a middle-aged to elderly teacher who had never come across dyslexia until recently and was now aware that he or she had dyslexic pupils , the first thing to do , I think , is to inform yourself .
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