Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] about " in BNC.

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1 For external use a moisture content of perhaps 20 per cent may be suitable , for an unheated building about 15 per cent , and for a steam-heated environment about 8 or 10 per cent .
2 To turn around from the forward stance to face in the opposite direction , adopt the standard forward stance , and then move the right foot about half a shoulder 's width to the left , pivoting on the left foot and maintaining balance .
3 It was not only the prospect of Tuscany that had captivated Molly , it was the strange provision about three children , females preferred .
4 The rajão is a five-stringed instrument about 66cm long .
5 With him sat two of his colleagues ; leathery , beery-voiced , — total weight about 750 lbs .
6 Taking the present bullion value of gold as 400 dollars , the ducat or florin would be worth in present British money about £30 .
7 The ‘ nerve centre ’ of the scheme is an old building about five minutes ‘ push ’ away from the Art and Design School in the very centre of the city .
8 Erm , the only example that I thought of , reading through this was erm , that of intelligence testing , erm , because intelligence testing er was held in high esteem about forty or fifty years ago .
9 Even today , we are told that it would cost the Inland Revenue about £250 million , because of the reduction in customs barriers .
10 One company reckons car abuse costs British industry about £50 million a year .
11 The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls was therefore very important , since they give us a Hebrew text of much of the Old Testament about a thousand years older than anything we had before .
12 The synaptic zones are without glial processes , the participating axon branches or dendrites are separated by a synaptic cleft about 20 nm wide , and the presynaptic knob contains mitochondria , glycogen granules and vesicles .
13 Eighteen to 48 hours after thrombolytic therapy about 85% of vessels are open , with the minority remaining occluded , This patency rate is rather higher than that seen at 90 minutes following similar thrombolytic treatment ( 65–70% ) .
14 From an initial " rate " of sexual intercourse about five times a week , this had reduced to twice .
15 They had been having sexual intercourse about three times a day , every day , for the last six weeks , but Maisie still maintained that Robert was faking it .
16 A typical instance of late medieval anxiety about time occurs in a letter of 1399 written by the wife of the ‘ Merchant of Prato ’ , Francesco di Marco Datini , to her ageing husband : ‘ In view of all you have to do , when you waste an hour , it seems to me a thousand … .
17 Once it reached a designated zone about 500 miles off Land 's End , the ship hove to and special tipping platforms were assembled along one side .
18 An idea I have found very useful for picking up unwanted food and rubbish from the bottom of a tank ( such as a bare bottom isolation tank etc. ) is a simple length of rigid tube about ¼″ dia and three or four inches longer than the tank depth .
19 The conical roof of the summer-house showed above a high hedge about fifty yards down the bank , so forcing himself to act casually , he began to stroll towards it .
20 However , two of the patients with HBV and HDV showed a distinct clinical hepatitic syndrome about 12 weeks after transplantation .
21 ‘ Nuts ! ’ she concluded , regarding a photograph of a filthy caver in wet-suit and helmet , wedged in a muddy slit about two inches thinner than he was .
22 In one study , cigar smokers who had taken up cigars after stopping cigarettes and smoked at least five cigars a day had a risk of non-fatal myocardial infarction about four times as high as that among ex-cigarette smokers who did not smoke cigars .
23 er , at the back page about nine inch by six wi you , were cut-outs and you cut it out and stuck them together to make a little paper , well , thick paper model .
24 Photogravure came into commercial use about 1880 .
25 There continued to be a small sloughy area about 1cm in diameter in the centre of the wound .
26 The English advertising agencies started getting into a very interesting style about three years ago and then they kind of blew it away , they forgot which started letter-spacing upper and lower case .
27 Cos I know when I was at school we actually got our sex education in fourth year , and it was by a visiting lecturer , it was this wee old man about fifty , he said basically , this is a male body , this is a female body , nothing about sexuality , orgasms anything !
28 The cache was discovered by a workman on the site of an old hospital about 50 yards from Spaniards Road , a main road running across the heath near areas used for car parking by visitors .
29 Soochow is a famous old city about 50 miles from Shanghai .
30 Using the Light Rifle about 10′ from a 22″ television set gave a reasonable degree of control over the game .
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