Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] war " in BNC.

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1 Finally , a ceasefire after a punishing eight-year war .
2 It remains for us to ask how the popular Hitler image we have examined contributed towards the growing strength of the regime and towards making possible this war , which , from what we have seen , most Germans — though prepared to fight if necessary — had been only too anxious to avoid .
3 They had turned Grand Prix racing into a private commercial war between Marlboro and Camel , Pioneer and Phillips , Canon and Braun , so that the drivers , covered in stickers at thousands of pounds a time , and their machines were now the fastest advertising boards on earth .
4 It was then that the Italian people began to understand what his intentions were ; and when he later referred to the need for the colonies to be protected from aggression , it seemed clear that war in Africa could not be avoided .
5 The prince listened intently as British Korean war veteran Sam Mercer described the battle in which he fought as a 21-year-old private with the Gloucestershire Regiment in 1951 .
6 On a slightly different note , no doubt Tim Tully will find an excuse to justify the latest atrocity carried out by the British imperialist war machine in the six counties .
7 Nor did I see how gods worshipped in days of continual tribal war and plunder could adjust themselves to the world where Peace is an ideal — the Christian world .
8 A TOKYO court ruled yesterday that the Japanese Education Ministry was within its rights to ban a textbook which detailed Japanese war atrocities , even though the court could n't fault any of the assertions made by the author .
9 Diplomatic activity increased in February among the various parties involved in efforts to end the 11-year civil war in Cambodia .
10 On May 28 the leaders of the nine main opposition parties were reported to have supported FMLN demands for a sharp reduction in the power of the military , as a crucial step towards ending the 11-year civil war .
11 For example , a report in the International Herald Tribune of July 17 claimed that the rebels had recently made the most significant gains in the whole of the 11-year civil war and that government forces were being forced to fall back and defend large urban centres .
12 In the first attack of its type in the 11-year civil war , the FMLN were said to have shot down an A-37 jet aircraft on Nov. 23 with a Sam-7 or Sam-14 ground-to-air missile .
13 UN-sponsored peace talks between the government and the FMLN dominated the political scene in 1990 but failed to produce a breakthrough to end the 11-year civil war , and the FMLN launched large-scale military offensives in May and November [ see pp. 37449 ; 37850 ] .
14 A breakthrough to end the 11-year civil war in El Salvador seemed unlikely , as representatives of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front ( FMLN ) guerrillas and the government failed to agree on a common plan covering reform of the US-backed armed forces , arrangements for a ceasefire , and constitutional changes to enable the FMLN to disarm and participate in democratic politics [ see p. 38231 ; for 1990 peace talks see pp. 37372 ; 37449 ; 37770-71 ; 37850 ] .
15 Onusal was also to monitor any future ceasefire in the 11-year civil war .
16 President Alfredo Cristiani , his aides and leaders of the Farabundo Martí Liberation Front ( FMLN ) guerrillas reached agreement in New York on Sept. 25 on a broad plan which offered the possibility of a permanent ceasefire and an eventual end to the 11-year civil war .
17 The agreement , first reached in September 1991 and concluded in December [ see pp. 38414 ; 38672 ] officially ended the 11-year civil war which had cost 75,000 lives .
18 Thousands of citizens joined commanders and guerrillas of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front ( FMLN ) in jubilant celebrations in the streets of San Salvador to mark the end of the 11-year civil war .
19 In two sessions , one with Mr Mobutu on Wednesday , and another with Mr Savimbi on Thursday , Mr Bush apparently persuaded both leaders to drop earlier disagreements and resume the negotiations to end Angola 's 14-year civil war .
20 His departure would complicate matters for the UN 's special envoy in Afghanistan , Mr Benon Sevan , who is trying to bring an end to the 14-year civil war .
21 NEW YORK ( Reuter ) — El Salvador 's President , Alfredo Cristiani , announced in a speech to the UN that he would make a proposal for a ceasefire in his country 's 10-year-old civil war at a meeting with FMLN rebels in two weeks ' time .
22 The presidents agreed on a number of points relating to the 10-year-old civil war in El Salvador and the sanctuary given to Nicaraguan contra rebels in Honduras .
23 You continue , later , ‘ When the next act of aggression comes along , and it is not a part of a tangled civil war in the mountains , it will be doubly important to resist it . ’
24 Some hoped that Mr Najibullah 's demise would bring an end to the country 's 13-year civil war and prevent the fighting from reaching the capital , but one radical Muslim rebel group threatened to attack Kabul anyway .
25 A VITAL battle in the English Civil War was re-enacted in Worcester last month — with help from the city 's Jolly Roger Brewery .
26 In the middle of the decade , Michael Reeves stamped his mark on the horror genre with Witchfinder General ( 1968 , The Conqueror Worm in US ) , his last film made at the age of 23 for Tigon , set amidst the witch hunts of the English Civil War .
27 There have been two battles at Islip during the English Civil War , in 1644 and 1645 , which both resulted in Royalist defeats .
28 On other occasions something datable may by chance have been left with the hoard , as with the hoard of gold and silver coins deposited during the English Civil War at Breckenbrough in North Yorkshire ; the pot in which the hoards were found also contained two receipts for requisitioned cheese dating to 17 January 1644 , so we can be confident that the hoard was deposited in the run-up to the Battle of Marston Moor in July of that year .
29 For example , it may come as something of a surprise to find that , during the English Civil War , the Parliamentarian party , which controlled London and the mint in the Tower , emphasised its legitimacy by continuing to issue coinage in the king 's name , whereas at the Royalist mint of Oxford the king 's coinage proclaims : ‘ RELIG PROT LEG ANG LIBER PAR ’ ( ’ The religion of the Protestants , the laws of England and the liberty of Parliament ’ ) .
30 Other good examples are provided by the Hannibalic War fought between the Romans and Carthaginians under Hannibal in 218–201 BC , and by the English Civil War of 1641–9 .
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