Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] becomes " in BNC.

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1 But no matter how erratic the behaviour of the monetary authorities becomes , the private sector will sooner or later latch on to what is happening .
2 Against that background a European framework becomes more attractive .
3 The more technically advanced agriculture becomes , the smaller is its dependency on natural endowments .
4 In his inaugural speech to the congress on Dec. 2 the DPK leader , Masoud Barzani , said that " with the holding of the 10th congress our belief in victory through an armed struggle becomes stronger " .
5 If the White Welsh is crossed to black or red animals and the offspring are also crossed to black or red , the dark extreme of the colour-pointed cline becomes evident and the coats are colour-sided or linebacked .
6 Comparatively few consultants had directly approached search firms for a job , but this is becoming more the case , especially in the USA , and will become more common as executive search becomes more generally accepted and regarded as an attractive career in its own right .
7 Where these conditions do not prevail — as in health care — writing , setting , and enforcing comprehensive contracts which try to predict all contingencies and deal with all possible risks becomes very difficult and costly ( Bartlett 1991 ) .
8 Moreover , as the urban/industrial complex becomes ever more predominant agricultural resentment will become less vocal and the rural sector 's capacity to oppose weaker .
9 Although finely acted throughout , any sympathy for Wilby 's self-pitying pomposity or Leo 's wrong-headed flakiness becomes increasingly difficult .
10 The more complex professional action becomes , the less likely it is to have any effect .
11 However , experiments with large particle accelerators indicate that at high energies the strong force becomes much weaker , and the quarks and gluons behave almost like free particles .
12 This latter aspect of regional data becomes less of a problem with the progress of time and the development of administrative mechanisms directed at greater accuracy , but does indicate caution when comparisons are made with early Community regional statistics .
13 The expression Wo n't you go ? when spoken with abnormally precise diction would be , but at normal speed becomes .
14 In practice , of course , such com- prehensiveness becomes impossible , and this provides fertile ground for opportunism or for sellers to try to over-protect themselves against risk which drives up prices .
15 Mayflies and several varieties of caddis disappear from acid streams , and the freshwater shrimp becomes scarce in soft water or below pH 5.7 .
16 The more sites there are , the more expensive and difficult adequate monitoring becomes .
17 If there is ‘ no way of judging a theory but by assessing the number , faith and vocal energy of its supporters ’ , then truth lies in power ’ , scientific change becomes a matter of ‘ mob psychology ’ and scientific progress is essentially a ‘ bandwagon effect ’ .
18 Even without the crusher building transformation , Mr Owen believes it is still possible to develop the area along more commercial lines if public money becomes available or the private sector shows any interest .
19 But when the body tissue begins to swell — perhaps because , like me , you 've had a hysterectomy and put on a bit of weight — the median nerve becomes trapped .
20 Contingencies can be wiped from memory , so that narrative closure becomes far more final , for example , than the ‘ death ’ of a game persona .
21 Thus , what begins in the springtime of national liberation as a great sense of popular emancipation becomes a range of new and often heightened oppressions , those required for economic development .
22 Additionally it can become something they look forward to themselves as they begin to lose their faculties and the effort of daily living becomes burdensome .
23 In this case the present value of the dividends will differ , depending on whether they are being received or paid , and the no-arbitrage condition becomes a no-arbitrage band : ( S - D p ) ( 1+r )
24 If the underlying asset can not be sold short , or the arbitrageur does not hold stocks which can be sold , arbitrage for the case when the futures price is relatively low is not possible and the no-arbitrage condition becomes F
25 One of these was Piccadilly Circus , the authors observing that : ‘ here the architectural setting becomes a major consideration , although this must not preclude a satisfactory traffic solution ’ ( para. 32 ) — an almost prophetic comment , bearing in mind the events relating to Piccadilly in the 1960s ( see p. 168 ) .
26 A foreign lawyer becomes an RFL by going through a process of registration which is set out in the 1990 Act .
27 The team at Stanford achieved its record resolution by using liquid helium gas as a coupling medium at a temperature just above absolute zero , 0.1 K. At extremely low temperatures acoustic attenuation becomes almost insignificant , but the range of materials that can be studied is severely limited .
28 If the object is very distant , linear magnification becomes vanishingly small .
29 The unrealistic ending becomes a piece of courageous rhetoric ; just as the novel itself refuses to accept unhappiness as a logical conclusion , so black women must refuse to accept it .
30 We know that the auditory cortex is involved in more complex processes like the categorical perception of sound , but at this point our lack of good theoretical models becomes apparent .
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