Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] making " in BNC.

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1 It could not be otherwise if literary intelligence was to make itself available in drawing-rooms to administrative and political decision making .
2 There is no necessary connection between political decision making and moral change : politics is not a simple reflection of changes in society .
3 However , one of the important themes in this book will be the developing de-democratization of local political decision making and consequent administration .
4 Firstly , the council had a large Labour majority with political decision making often restricted to the Labour group and with little debate in committees .
5 A third kind of analysis conceives some sections of the middle class ( technicians , managers , engineers , professional employees in the public service and in private industry ) either as constituting an important part of a ‘ new working class ’ which is likely to participate in its own way in a refashioned socialist movement ( Mallet , 1975 ) , or as forming one element — alongside the old industrial working class — in a new class , which is becoming involved in a new type of struggle , directed against those who control the institutions of economic and political decision making , and who reduce it to a condition , not of misery or oppression , but of restricted and dependent participation in the major public affairs of society ( Touraine , 1971a ) .
6 The Presidential Council initially appeared designed to supplant the CPSU central committee politburo as the main centre of political decision making in the Soviet Union .
7 This diversity led to confusion among observers as to whether the Council would indeed become a significant centre of political decision making , or would be a much less important and purely consultative body .
8 erm in political decision making .
9 But he 's got no , as far as I can see he 's got no convincing argument that democracy will do better , but that does n't matter because he thinks that the decisive criticism of enlightened despotism is that it wo n't improve the moral or intellectual well-being of the citizens , but if people are excluded from political decision making , they will have no incentive to educate themselves or morally improve themselves , or he thinks if they do , if a despot does allow for the moral improvement of the citizens , then citizens will no longer accept despotism so that despotism is in a way self-defeating here and if it one of the proper functions of government it ca n't survive .
10 Mr was well aware because he 'd been told by the plaintiffs solicitors that the plaintiffs received terms for cover or to obtain interest on their costs , the plaintiffs solicitors wrote specifically to Mr enquiring was his offer in , in the sum of forty two thousand pounds , that 's er the possible agreed settlement figure for costs , er if it was inclusive or exclusive of interest erm there were some delay but er Mr wrote back in due course making clear that interest was n't included , I should also say that in Mr er proposed bill of costs he had disallowed interest for a fairly short period in respect of both the plaintiffs bill of costs and the defendants bill of costs and the plaintiffs solicitors do n't appear to have erm taken any point on that , but as I say it , the point as to interest was specifically raised by the plaintiffs solicitors letter and er I 'm quite satisfied on the correspondence that they when it came to the matter were seen , were desires of obtaining interest in respect of their costs .
11 During the election campaign Gamsakhurdia 's opponents had concentrated on attacking what they claimed were his dictatorial tendencies ( a week before the election his ruling Round Table-Free Georgia coalition had sponsored legislation passed by the Georgian parliament making it a criminal offence , punishable by up to six years in prison , to insult the Georgian President ) .
12 There are many occurrences of volcanic activity in areas remote from plate margins ; the volcanoes of the East African Rift system , such as Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya , the volcanic and associated hydrothermal activity of the Yellowstone region in Wyoming , U S A ( Fig. 4.3 ) , and the chain of volcanic peaks making up the Hawaiian Islands are examples from both continental and oceanic regions .
13 Now , what 's Roy Hattersley 's record of regional decision making ?
14 However , case conferences are not just a forum for professional decision making .
15 [ T ] he existing system of professional decision making for people with mental health problems is one which already incorporates many of the best principles of care management .
16 It 's all a bloody money making racket .
17 It 's private decision making .
18 They 'd been re-used many times , titles and references and hasty notes making it difficult to see any sign of what the current contents might be .
19 The abstract musings of macroeconomists did not encroach on the hard world of economic decision making .
20 Economists were being involved in the process of economic decision making in a manner which had been unknown previously , and most of them found this admission to the counsels of the influential and powerful to be very congenial .
21 I could hardly have expected to hear a complete stranger making such a blatant and … and totally unwarranted assassination of my character .
22 Once an integrated representation of the clause as a unit is created , the specific words making up the clause can be discarded from memory to make way for the words of the next clause .
23 The third set of pupils improved the blade and handle of the fettling knife in the sponging department making it easier to use and prolonging its usefulness .
24 She comes into the room like a shy actress making a bad entrance , to find us poised round the door like actors on the set .
25 Now write down two more possible methods making sure that they fit into the criteria of
26 The North View Engineering Works , in Harris Street , has been branded an eyesore which has become home to rats who scavenge in nearby houses making life misery for neighbours .
27 For senior managers the change in role is from tactical decision making to strategic decision making , highlighting the need for a significant increase in information flows and requirements .
28 Commercial intelligence is essential for informed decision making .
29 A fully comprehensive , flexible and accurate database will improve the quality of analysis , lead to more informed decision making and assist in the identification of new target groups to influence the development of new Plans .
30 Echoing the sentiments of Slam , Gypsy 's Graham Drinnon is keen to emphasise that the Limbo lot ‘ like to see ourselves as British musicians making British music , and certainly not as a Glasgow thing …
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