Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] stare " in BNC.

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1 She frequently sat up in the wee sma' hours staring out of the window .
2 His blind-filmed eyes stared at it , all but unwinking .
3 On the way I passed the rabbit I thought had escaped , lying just before the sparkling clean water of the stream ; blackened and contorted , locked into a weird , twisted crouch , its dead dry eyes staring up at me as I passed by , accusatory .
4 I also saw my first fulmar , sweeping the cliffs on stiff wings , endlessly gliding with miraculous ease ; hen harrier haunted the moorlands ; golden plover and curlew cried plaintively from banks of peat ; statuesque heron stared balefully into shallow pools ; widow-black cormorant dried their dark wings on seaweed-covered rocks .
5 She sat again at the dinner table and saw in the candlelight Hilary Robarts 's dark , discontented eyes staring intently at Alex Mair ; watched the planes of Miles Lessingham 's face fitfully lit by the leaping flames of the fire , saw his long-fingered hands reaching down for the bottle of claret , heard again that measured rather high voice speaking the unspeakable .
6 The female still lay there , watery eyes staring at some remote distance from which she waited to be recalled .
7 Old Ben stared .
8 High overhead , a buzzard circled lazily on a column of warm air and on the roadway a butterfly with big white-ringed , russet-coloured eyes staring from its black wingtips , opened and closed its wings .
9 Brown eyes stared upside-down into green .
10 Dark brown eyes stare back at him .
11 Big brown eyes stare bleakly into the distance , the thousand-yard stare of so many kids in this war .
12 A group of musicians stood in the angle of one of the buttresses of the cathedral playing tambour and fife whilst the Dean and Chapter , garlands of roses on their heads , danced in solemn procession around the severed head of a buck which had been placed on a pole , its brown eyes staring glassily over those who now rejoiced at its death .
13 On the cover was a picture of two legionnaires with shaven heads staring over the battlements of a fort in Chad , where in that summer of 1984 the Legion was assisting the government in their lowkey war against Libyan-backed rebels .
14 And then the moment when the cupboard door opened and he looked up in terror at the German soldier staring down at him .
15 Liz fell silent in mid-word of a vague murmured greeting to stare .
16 No wonder the old boy stares obliquely off the back cover like a guilty-looking Archie Andrews .
17 But all they could see was a big brown eye staring anxiously back at them .
18 Wick waits , remembering the herring more recently ; the lovely old buildings stare blankly over the vast harbour once a forest of masts .
19 Her carved eyeballs stared back at them with the uncanny blindness of statues , who seem always to be perceiving another dimension , where everything is statues .
20 The old woman stared at him and her eyes were bright and piercing and the silver thimble had fallen to the lap of her dress , and her fists were clenched now as if she searched for a memory , and her husband watched her anxiously as if he witnessed that she was at war within herself .
21 His assembled staff stared stonily back , as he looked round at them , apparently calling for some kind of congratulations .
22 Empty windows stared — there was nobody at home except Aunt Tossie in a distant wing , stitching away at another exotic parrot in her gros point .
23 The old man stared at him a moment , then nodded .
24 They ate in silence , Corbett conscious of the old man staring at them now joined by the leader who had met them in the forest .
25 Now the German soldiers stared suspiciously at Sharpe 's strange uniform until one of the troopers saw the Imperial ‘ N ’ on the horse 's saddle-cloth and the sabres rasped out of their metal scabbards as the horsemen shouted at Sharpe to surrender .
26 In the corner of his cluttered bedroom was a photograph of a woman dressed in black , her sad , unsmiling face staring miserably from the picture .
27 He fell back at once and lay quietly on the damp earth staring up at the now empty wall as his blood soaked into and congealed darkly upon the white of his shirt .
28 The seated statues stared unblinking into the sun , their hands laid rather primly on their knees .
29 The full-face portrait staring back at you hypnotises .
30 ’ His dark eyes stared into hers .
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