Example sentences of "[art] comparison group " in BNC.

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1 In the comparison group , ‘ most of these children got their sex education from television and school .
2 Patients reported about three times as many undesirable events in the six months preceding their illness as the comparison group over the same period .
3 Interpersonal arguments and difficulties were also a more common feature of the experiences of depressed patients than of the comparison group .
4 And two-fifths of the ex-care women had become pregnant before the age of nineteen years , while none of the comparison group had done so .
5 This occurred with none of the comparison group mothers .
6 Two-fifths of the ex-care sample had a rating of poor parenting , compared to one in nine of the comparison group .
7 The comparison group of girls had many other sources of self-esteem , which was why a positive school experience was much less important to them .
8 If , however , through planning or chance , the women ended up with a supportive non-deviant spouse , they were no more likely to experience parenting problems than the comparison group of women .
9 Retarded children were over three times as likely to be disturbed as children in the comparison group ( 23 per cent versus 7 per cent ) .
10 The former clinic patients with anti-social behaviour were considerably more often diagnosed by the research psychiatrists as having a sociopathic personality than were the comparison group .
11 Only the ‘ other neurotic ’ group were indistinguishable as children from those who grew up to be well ; if anything , their home lives were slightly more adequate than those of the comparison group .
12 A comparison group of non-fundholding practices was essential to disentangle the effects of budget holding from any wider effects of the NHS reforms .
13 The project is addressing this by using the same forms to assess a comparison group of 400 children who have had no contact with social workers .
14 Lack of care is often repeated : ex-care women in their study were considerably more likely than a comparison group to suffer a breakdown in their own role as parents , resulting in one in five of their children also being admitted into institutional care .
15 The mothers of children admitted into care expressed less warmth and showed less sensitivity in their parenting , and their child control was less effective , than in a comparison group of families .
16 Both mothers and fathers of children admitted into care were more likely than a comparison group to have a psychiatric disorder .
17 Thus both Quinton and Rutter ( 1983 ) and Brown and Harris and their colleagues ( Harris et al. , 1987a ) have shown that pregnancies are more common amongst girls with childhood lack of care than in a comparison group .
18 He found that these adopted children still developed schizophrenia more often than a comparison group of adopted children whose biological mothers had no known record of mental illness ( Rosenthal , 1968 ) .
19 They also studied a comparison group of 104 subjects ( a low-risk group , children of normal mothers ) .
20 Brown and Birley ( 1968 ) found 46 per cent of their sample of schizophrenic patients to have experienced an independent life event ( one unlikely to have been a consequence of the previous illness ) in the three weeks before onset , compared to 14 per cent of a comparison group of factory and office workers in the three weeks prior to their interview .
21 Similarly , Delozier ( 1982 ) has described the histories of eighteen ‘ typical ’ abusing mothers , which show that their childhood contained much more by way of threat of abandonment and harm than that of a comparison group of mothers .
22 Altogether she followed up 345 white American children who had been referred to the child guidance clinic for anti-social behaviour , 130 other referrals and 100 individuals who had attended neighbouring elementary schools who had not been referred for any specialist help , and who therefore provided a comparison group .
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