Example sentences of "[art] change in " in BNC.

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1 The change in the socio-moral context was hardly recognized , and the corresponding change in religious social ethics had remained unformulated .
2 When the change in angle is made smoothly , the glider will be climbing at a safe angle and will be able to recover if there is a launch failure at any point .
3 As a result , the apparatus ‘ receives the form of the object without its matter ’ ; the change in the apparatus is perception .
4 It is always advisable to try a small area first with the finish that is to be used , or damp a small area with water , as this will give some indication of the change in shade that will occur .
5 The change in the Christian community from the largest community to minority status has never been officially acknowledged in Lebanese statistics .
6 This is not to undervalue the change in judicial thinking which has come about in the last 30 years .
7 Roy Hattersley , deputy party leader , was blamed for the change in policy which has been approved at three previous conferences .
8 A legal opinion requested by the Attorney-General , Richard Thornburgh , effected the change in June , but it had been kept secret since then .
9 The change in price has been dramatic — in 1986 it was estimated that it would be impossible to distribute imported whisky free of charge at a cost of less than Y 2,600 a bottle .
10 That new thing , as is recently being admitted , is connected with the change in the composition of the population of certain of our great cities .
11 If it was the Conservative Party 's circumstances that gave Maxse 's brand of radical Conservatism its appeal , it was also the change in the party 's circumstances wrought by the war which relegated Maxse to the margins of Conservative politics .
12 But it is not a model that holds up for the twentieth century , when liberalization of the divorce law was not a matter of last resort but was rather always proposed as a means of strengthening the institution of marriage ( by permitting those ‘ living in sin ’ to remarry ) ; when opinion shifted with dramatic speed , for example between the conservative recommendations of the 1956 Royal Commission on Divorce and the endorsement of profound liberalization given a mere ten years later by both the Law Commission and the Church of England ; and when the change in views of key institutions such as the Church of England were as important as those of lawyers .
13 Following General Douglas MacArthur 's initial victories the change in the nature of the Korean operation was very much a British initiative .
14 I think one sees it by the change in the structure of big business , by so many management buy-outs and the realisation that size is not everything ; large companies concentrating more on their core businesses and getting rid of peripheral businesses and spending more on research and development in supporting core businesses .
15 This was the simultaneous introduction of several indissolubly linked institutions : monogamy ( which later gave rise to polyandry and polygamy ) , the nuclear family , private property ( the property of the nuclear family ) , the change in the rule of descent from the female line to the male line , the subordination and humiliation of women , and the State .
16 There is a combination of two factors : the change in time zone and the sluggishness of our body rhythms to adjust to change .
17 Jet-lag is the consequence of there being a mis-match between our body clock and the external timing , because our body clock is slow to adjust to the change in local time .
18 Simulated time-zone transitions in the laboratory , where the diet remains unchanged , confirm that the change in local time produces a change in appetite and bowel movements .
19 Results of a survey conducted by the Department of Health — the first to be published since the change in the law — showed that the average adult weekly alcohol consumption had not changed between 1987 and 1989 .
20 Israelis are pleased with the change in the US regulations , which effectively signal an end to the drop-out phenomenon .
21 ‘ I am frequently amazed at the change in them . ’
22 The change in the figures appeared to be due to things like administrative convenience .
23 And third , if — and admittedly , this is a huge if — the next decade sees a retreat from the brash consumerism of the mid-1980s , one can not resist the thought that it is small , local businesses which will better cope with , pander to and profit from the change in mood .
24 ‘ I am frequently amazed at the change in them . ’
25 What has affected the recent decline of entertaining more than anything else , of course , has been the change in the position of women .
26 The second factor was the change in the Ministry of Defence 's decision-making processes brought about by the increasing complexity of Defence issues .
27 But there could be no disguising the change in American attitudes .
28 What has brought about the change in Mr Gorbachev ?
29 The change in the outlook for Hongkong following last June 's massacre in Tiananmen Square demands that Hongkong Bank be able to negotiate with a future Chinese government from a position of strength .
30 The change in relative prices brought about by devaluations may harm output in the short term , but this is offset by faster growth in the longer term .
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